Canteen Policy

All policies and procedures herein will be in compliance with the Bylaws of River Bourgeois Community Services Society.

River Bourgeois Community Services Society shall run a canteen at various functions under the management of River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.

  1. The person operating the canteen shall be paid a stipend per event as agreed upon by River Bourgeois Community Services Society and the canteen attendant.
  2. The canteen attendant shall be provided with a float from River Bourgeois Community Services Society treasurer and shall be responsible for these monies.
  3. Monies realized from canteen sales shall be turned into the River Bourgeois Community Services Society treasurer at the end of each month along with an inventory of remaining stock.
  4. Purchases for canteen stock shall be reimbursed monthly by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society treasurer to the canteen attendant or a person authorized on his/her behalf upon receiving receipts.

Any exception to the above policies/procedures must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
The above policies/procedures supersede any policies/procedures previously put in place by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.