Gerry’s Music Circle

Location: The Anne Sampson Building

Dates: Starting Thursday November 2nd, 2024, then every second Thursday

Time: 6:30 pm

Local talented musicians come together to play music. Join us to play, or just enjoy the music. A light snack is served.

Invitation to Senior’s (ages 55+)

Community Links of Nova Scotia has given the River Bourgeois Senior’s 50+ Club funding to put on a few events for “all of our seniors”. The reason for this is to supply outings during the winter months to any or all seniors.
The is “no cost” to anyone and we will take care of the planning, cooking the luncheons, supply transportation to and from the Tara Lynne Centre for those who do not have a vehicle and provide entertainment such as: Cards, bingo,, games or Musical Entertainment at each event.
All we ask is that you let us know if you are coming (so we know how much food to provide) and if you need transportation to the hall.
Call Sharon @ 902-5352512.
Anyone wanting to help and volunteer is welcome to join the team. The more the merrier.
It will take place every second Wednesday, note, in case of storms we will notify with another date. If there is any funding left over we will have some events in March.
January 10th – Storm Date: Postponed to Saturday January 13th. @ noon
January 24th
February 7th
February 21st
It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to get out of the house, enjoy the company of friends, a free lunch and some fun. We are not given this opportunity often, so let’s take advantage.
Happy New Year Everyone

Gerry’s Music Circle

Day:   Every second Thursday

Time:  6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Place: Anne Sampson Building.

All welcome to sing, play music and enjoy our fellowship.

Goodwill donation at the door.

Refreshments are served.

If you need more information, call John Digout at 227-8259 or Wayne Bona at 302-2253

All proceeds from events go towards the support of our facilities.

All Covid-19 Restrictions Apply

Must Show Proof of Vaccination at all events.