Catholic Women’s League

On Dec. 6 1953 our first council was formed, Fr. Samson was our spiritual Director and our first president was Lillian Boyd. To date we are still honoured with the presence of four founding members, Evelyn Burke, Mary Touesnard, Jane Landry, and Therese Digout. Our mission statement is “The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.”
We have merchandise Bingo’s twice a year which is our primary source of income now that we no longer cater for parish functions.
We support a wide variety of charitable organizations at home and around the world, we also help people in need that come to us in hard times. Our funds are limited but we do what we can. There is a great sense of family and comradery in this organization and it is a wonderful bunch of ladies to work with.

Our 60th Anniversary was in 2013. The CWL is a very rewarding organization and is centered on Faith and Justice not only in our community but all over the world, we have over 100,000 members across Canada and we bring resolutions on a regular bases to parliament. We have helped keep things out of Canada which big businesses wanted to force on the general population of Canada (ie growth hormone in our milk products).
Our council today consists of 74 members and new members are always welcome, simply contact anyone on our council listed below.


Spiritual Advisor:

Rev. John Yake


Marlaine Burke

Past President:

Elaine Burke


Ann Cooke


Ann Clow


Spiritual Development:

Valerie Cunningham


Marguerite MacDonald

Christian Family Life:

Maureen Cosman-Burke

Community Life:

Mary Fougere