Annual Meeting Minutes April 10/2018
Attendance. There were 30 members in attendance
President Anne Sampson called the meeting to order at 12:25 pm
The League Prayer was read by Donna Babin
The minutes of the last annual meeting of April 4, 2017 was read by Donna Babin.
Donna moved the minutes, 2nd by Jerry Fougere, so moved.
Business arising from the last annual meeting: There was no business arising.
The Treasurer’s report was read by Sharon Chilvers. There was a closing balance of $6001.63. Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Norma MacNeil. so moved.
Nominations for the Executives:
President: Anne Sampson
Secretary: Donna Babin
Treasurer: Sharon Chilvers
1st Vice:
2nd Vice:
Maintenance: Danny Landry and Kenneth LeBlanc
Grounds: Glyn Chilvers
Cards: Emily LeBlanc
Winner of the half and half ticket of $48. was Norma MacNeil
New Business:
There will be a Merchandise Bingo on April 15th, we need member to make donations of 3 pies and 5 different cookies
Next year we will be applying for the New Horizon grant for an electrical upgrade to catch up with the new fitness equipment.
Anne Sampson was a recipient of the Provincial Volunteer Award
President’s Report:
2017 River Bourgeois Seniors Club President’s Report
At this time, it is necessary to thank all those who work so hard year after year in making the club a success. To our secretary Donna and treasurer Sharon for their continuous dedication to the club. Thanks to Danny and Kenneth for keeping our building in good repair, Glyn for keeping the pot holes in the driveway filled, and Emily who sends get well and sympathy cards.
We held two Merchandise Bingos besides our regular weekly cribbage game. We are doing monthly TOCK games and also doing Mexican Train Domino’s games, the club and community member enjoyed the Chinese Christmas dinner. Donna Babin represented our club last year and Anne Sampson will be this year’s representative.
We have 93 members now, but sadly since the last meeting we lost 4 members, Dave Clow, Vera Sampson, Joe Sampson and George St Louis. If we could have a moment of silence.
Our heat pumps were installed and we have reeked the benefits. We received a $4300. Grant from New Horizon for equipment replacements for the gym. An incumbent bike has been purchased so all of you with new knees and hips can use. A rowing machine, balance balls and bands are now on route. Thanks to Glenn and Hazel who removed all of the obsolete and dangerous equipment and also doing much needed great spring cleaning downstairs.
On behalf of the club I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of this great organization.
President Anne Sampson adjourned the meeting at 12:45 pm