RBCSS Annual Meeting March 25th, 2014

River Bourgeois Community Services Society

Annual Meeting March 25th 2014


Attendance: Rose Merrick, Sherry Baccardax, Tina Coleman, Sharon Chilvers, Mike Fougere, Valarie Fougere, Tanya Stone, Connie Stewart, Debbie Burke, Tanya Burke, Carolyn Fougere, Raymond Doary, Donna Babin.
Regrets: Theresa Sampson (middle of residence move), Frances St Louis (working).
Absent: Danielle Sampson, Adrian Fraser, Colin MacNeil and Wayne Bona (no reply to my e-mail)

Call to Order: Rose Merrick called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

Agenda: Sharon Chilvers moved the acceptance of the Agenda. Mike Fougere seconded. Motion carried.

Minutes from March 27, 2013 Annual General Meeting: Sherry Baccardax moved the acceptance of the minutes. Valarie Fougere seconded. Motion carried.

Business arising from March 27, 2013 Annual Meeting: Nothing noted.

Correspondence: a) Newsletter from the Strait Hospital Foundation – info only. b) Resignation letter from Mike Fougere effective July 1st, resigning as janitor of the Tara Lynn Centre. The Board Members accept with regret.

Chairpersons (Rose Merrick) Annual Report – highlights include: Completed 35th Annual Festival Fundraising was very profitable this year. With grants from ECBC, and Municipality of Richmond, we were able to complete many much needed repairs and improvements to the buildings and grounds which will be covered in greater depth under Property Services. One festival summer student was hired through a grant from the Federal Government. Thanks also to our Board of Directors for their dedication this past year and to our many volunteers. Sherry Baccardax moved Rose Merricks’s report, 2nd by Sharon Chilvers. Motion carried.

Treasurers: Sherry Baccardax presented & moved her report, 2nd by Valarie Fougere. Motion carried.
Tina Coleman moved, that in the future, the members review the financials prior to the start of the meeting so that Sherry does not have to go over the entire Balance Sheet & Income Statements during the meeting. If there is any issue, it can be brought up before Sherry moves her report, 2nd by Sharon Chilvers. Motion carried.

Bar: No report, Danielle Sampson was absent from the meeting.

Festival: The Festival was again very successful realizing a profit of $ 19,079.10. Several board members joined the committee along with 2 young volunteers – Jillian and Ariel. Sharon Chilvers moved her report, 2nd by Tina Coleman. Motion carried.

Entertainment and Fundraising: The Event & Fundraising Committee organized the following yearly festival, 2 brunches, 2 merchandise bingos, a haunted house, a trivia & pub night, Earth Day, pot luck supper and Canada Day celebrations.The community Christmas celebration was well attended and our Memory Tree, which took place at St John the Baptist Church, was again very well received. Sharon Chilvers moved her report, 2nd by Debra Burke. Motion carried.

Property Services: Raymond Doary reported the many projects that took place at the Funeral Home: grounds maintained on a regular basis, landscaping, water problem finally solved in December, preparations taken for the installation of an air conditioner, and arrangements for new lights. Mike Fougere reported that several projects at the Hall and grounds were completed this past year. Raymond and Mike moved their reports, 2nd by Tina Coleman. Motion carried.

Nomination Committee: There was no committee this year.

Elected 2014 Board of Directors:
Chair: Rose Merrick
Vice Chair: no one to fill this position at this time
Secretary: Tina Coleman
Treasurer: Sherry Baccardax
Past Chair: none
Property Service: none
Bar Committee: Danielle Sampson
Event/Fundraising: Sharon Chilvers
Board of Directors Members at Large:
Sharon Chilvers, Theresa Sampson, Connie Stewart, Tanya Stone, Debra Burke, Tanya Burke, Carolyn Fougere, Donna Babin, Raymond Doary, Wayne Bona and Danielle Sampson.

Rose Merrick welcomed everyone to the 2014 River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.

New Business: A bi-weekly market will be established at the Hall starting June 14, 2014 and the community clean up will be held in conjunction with “Clean Up Nova Scotia”.

Meeting adjourned by Rose Merrick at 7:18 pm.

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