RBCSS 2019 AGM Minutes

RBCSS Annual General Minutes – Mar 24/2019 

 In attendance: Rose Merrick, Donna Babin, Sharon Chilvers, Wayne Bona, Glenn Pottie, Kathy Groves, Ricky Stone, Heidi LeRoux, Carolyn Fougere, Marc Touesnard 

Guest: Hazel Pottie 

Absent with regrets:  Connie Stewart, Tanya Burke, Paul Martell 


Call to order: Rose Merrick called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm 

Approval of Agenda:  Kathy moved the agenda, 2nd by Glenn, so moved 

Approval of the minutes: (AGM 03/27/2018) Sharon moved the agenda, 2nd by Ricky, so moved 

 Business Arising from AGM March 27/2018:  

-Land parcel: find out what part of the ball field behind the cenotaph that we own. Check the dead and check with Ray MacRae or Kevin? Also check with the municipality. 

-Send a letter to the county to ask that the old unsightly fencing around the ballfield be taken down. 

_Kathy requests that all invoices for purchases be signed from Home Hardware. A plunger was purchased from Home Hardware and Kathy does not know who it was. 

-Send Burke Brothers Trucking (Bernard Burke) a thank you letter for all the plowing and help with the playground. Glenn suggested a plaque of appreciation. Ricky said he would check into it. 

-Tennis Court: Glenn suggested Pickle Ball. A stencil for the game will cost about $200.To be placed on just one of the courts for Sept to June.  

-We have completed the application of the Provincial Student grant for the Hall. 

-Good Friday: A cod supper. Cost of Cod $200., Hazel will check it out. 


Chairperson’s (Rose Merrick) Annual Report: 

Thank you to all, everyone worked extremely hard.  

It was greatly appreciated.  

Correspondence: none 

Treasurer’s Report:  

Kathy submitted her report: 

We ended the year with a balance of: $18,338.75 

Kathy moved her report, 2nd by Wayne, so moved 

Committee Reports: 


2018 Bar Report 

We had a total of 5 bar events this year 

Total money taken in was:          $ 1890.75 

Total expenses:                            (1152.56) 

Profit:                                               738.19 

There is approximately $500. In remaining inventory. 


(submitted via email) 


Festival/Fundraising/Events 2018 

In 2018 we held the following events: 

January: Trivia Night 

February: 1049 Ticket draw 

March: Cold plate take out dinner 

Chase the Ace and Café Luncheon started April and the Ace went in the end of June and we restarted a new one the following week and it is still going. 

Canada Day fell on a Sunday so we moved the Chase the Ace and Café to that day. 

Festival ran from August 26th to September 2nd. 

November, we had a Trivia Night. 

December “Winterlude” Dinner and Community Celebration. 

Total revenue from these events $61388.06 – $5044.00 (Chase the Ace Jackpot) = $56344.06 

Total expenses $25816.95 

Profit: $30527.11 

Great year and thanks to all who took part in making this happen. 

Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Glenn, so moved 

Property Services/Visitation Parlour:   

Property Services 

It has been a good year! Not to many major expenses, started out with hiring a great worker for the summer (Alex Poaps) 

We had to buy a new bush hog, and lumber to repair decks and bleachers, pretty much everything got newly painted. We also did plumbing, and replaced one of the toilets up at the canteen, also repaired canteen roof. We burned all old wood and brush that was left up at the canteen. 

We hired a worker and had him cut the trees across from the hall making it more visible. Which has been good as being we haven’t seen any vandalism since having it done. 

I was asked to contact a welding company to make and install a rail for up at the funeral parlour, which has been completed! 

Over all the snow plowing went well and didn’t need to many plow jobs. 

Ricky moved his report, 2nd by Kathy, so moved 

Youth Development: 

-Continuing fundraising efforts 

-Current fundraiser is a Gift Card Survivor and proceeds from Chase the Ace 

-Meeting to discuss summer fundraisers coming up 

-Playground installed this summer by Eastern Fencing 

-Bernard provided services for prepping and gravel, donated what he could 

-We were able to fund raise the money to pay off the playground and installation 

-We are currently fundraising for the splash pad. 

-Fundraisers past & current: 

Trivia Nights 

Spaghetti Supper 

Vendor Markets 

Wine Survivor 

Gift Survivor 

Subway Peelers 

Ball field Canteen 

Heidi moved her report, 2nd by Ricky, so moved YDC Report 2018 – year end 

Tara Lynne Bursary:  

There were two bursaries at $200 each 

Wayne moved his report, 2nd by Kathy, so moved 

Nomination Committee/Elected 2019 Board of Directors: 

Chair:                                                      Rose Merrick 

Vice Chair: 

Secretary:                                               Donna Babin 

Treasurer:                                               Kathryn Groves 

Past Chair:                                              Sharon Chilvers 

Property Services/Visitation Parlour:      Ricky Stone/Paul Martell (co-chairs) 

Bar Committee:                                       Glenn Pottie 

Event/Fundraising:                                  Sharon Chilvers/Rose Merrick (co-chairs) 

Youth Development:                                Heidi LeRoux 

Tara Lynn Bursary:                                  Wayne Bona 

 Members at large: 

Carolyn Fougere, Tanya Burke, Connie Stewart, Marc Touesnard 

New Business: 

New members: No new member 

Board members to complete the Membership and confidentiality agreements for 2019. 

Hire someone to do the clearing and yard work, make an itemized list of jobs to be done. Hire the first of April? Specify how long on hire for. 

Next meeting will be: April 24th (4th Wed. Of the month)  

 Adjournment:  President Rose Merrick adjourned the meeting at 7:25pm 
















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