RBCSS AGM Minutes 2022

RBCSS Annual General Meeting

March 17th, 2022

In attendance: Rose, Sharon. Marc, Kathy, Carolyn, Connie

Virtually: Donna B


Absent with regrets: Wayne, Ricky, Paul, Heidi, Tanya


Call to order: President Rose Merrick called the meetings to order at 6:52 pm (Continuation into AGM)

Approval of agenda: Donna Babin moved the approval of the agenda, 2nd by Connie Stewart, motion carried.

Approval of minutes:  Last AGM was dated November 23, 2020

Business arising: No business arising

Correspondence: No correspondence

Treasurer’s Report: copy as provided by Kathy Groves, moved by Kathy Groves, 2nd by Sharon Chilvers, motion carried

Committee Reports:

Bar: No report




Even with a limited amount of events due to Covid 19, we netted $10,158.


Chase the Ace wasn’t started until July 2nd and by Dec we had a profit of $11242. To be split with Youth Development.

Cafe’ began at the same time and netted us $7488.


Canada Day Festivities were also limited. We chose not to sell any food this year, and the Municipality paid us $500. To cover our cost.

The Community Christmas Celebration was held and RBCSS covered the cost as in previous years.

Sharon and Rose

Sharon Chilvers moved her report, 2nd by Carolyn, motion carried

Property Services/Visitation Parlour:

(submitted via email by Paul Martell)

1/ It was noticed that the cement in front of the new step was starting to crumble. Mallard Construction was made aware and they came up to have a look at it. They told me the cement work is guaranteed so there will be no problem replacing it when the warmer weather shows up.

2/ Ricky gave Sharon a quote on the new building we need, he is also getting a quote on the cement pad that must be included to get the grant.

Youth Development: No report submitted

Nominating committee – Election of officers and Board members for 2022 

Executive committee:

President: Rose Merrick (accepted)

Vice President: vacant

Treasurer: Kathy Groves (accepted)

Secretary: Donna Babin  (Re-submitted and accepted)

Past President: Sharon Chilvers

Board members:

Bar: vacant

Festivals & Events: Co-Chairs: Rose Merrick and Sharon Chilvers

Property Services/Visitation Parlour: Chair: Paul Martell

Property Services: Ricky Stone

Youth Development: Chair: Heidi LeRoux

At large: Carolyn Fougere, Tanya Burke, Wayne Bona, Marc Touesnard, Connie Stewart

New Business:

Rose Merrick: The question has come up about creating a dog park. What section of our land could we use to put it on? Have Ricky look into it.

Next meeting will be: To be advised at a later date

Adjournment: President Rose Merrick adjourned the meeting at 7:26 pm

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