Chairperson’s Job Description
The Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that the Board of Directors and its members are aware of and fulfill their governance responsibilities; comply with applicable laws and River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws; conduct board business effectively and efficiently; are accountable for their performance. In order to fulfill these responsibilities, and subject to the River Bourgeois Community Services Society bylaws & Herb Perry’s “Call to Order Meeting Rules and Procedures for Non-Profit Organizations”, the chairperson presides over meetings, proposes policies and practices, sits on various committees, monitors the performance of Directors and Officers, submits various reports to the board, to funders, and to other “stakeholders”; proposes the creation of committees; appoints members to such committees; and performs other duties as the need arises and/or as defined in the bylaws.
The chairperson shall:
- Be a member of River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Continuously review, understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Attend meetings of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Executive and Board of Directors.
- If unable to attend a Board Meeting, members must contact the Secretary with a reason for the absence prior to the meeting.
- Provides respectful leadership to the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Be the primary spokesperson for River Bourgeois Community Services Society to the media and community at large including municipal and government officials.
- Supervise the activities of River Bourgeois Community Services Society subject to delegation of such duties and responsibilities to any other Officer or Director of the board as members may agree.
- Address annual general meeting.
- Call special meetings if/when necessary as set out in section 6 of the bylaws.
- Assist the secretary in preparing agenda for board meetings.
- When present, preside at all meetings of the Executive and Board of Directors.
- Arrange for Vice to chair meetings in the absence of the Chair.
- See that orders and resolutions of the board are carried into effect.
- Sign and deliver in the name of the society deeds, mortgages, contracts or other instruments pertaining to the business of the society for financial and legal purposes.
- Be a member ex-officio all sub-committees of the Society and attends their meetings when available.
- Enhance relationships with other community groups and agencies.
- Discuss issues confronting the organization with the executive of the Board.
- Help guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns.
- Periodically consult with board members on their roles and help them assess their performance.
- Evaluate annually the performance of the organization in achieving its mission.
- Perform other duties as are from time to time determined by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Any exception to the above must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Vice Chairperson’s Job Description
The Vice Chairperson assumes the responsibilities of the chairperson in the chairperson’s absence. The vice chairperson shall learn the chairperson’s duties in preparation for a possible future term as chairperson. This position should work closely with the chairperson to support the chairperson in his or her role.
The vice chairperson shall:
- Be a member of River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Continuously review, understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Attend meetings of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Executive and Board of Directors.
- If unable to attend a Board Meeting, members must contact the Secretary with a reason for the absence prior to the meeting.
- Understand the responsibilities of the chairperson and be able to perform these duties in the chair’s absence (see chair job description).
- Work closely with the chairperson and other members of the board of directors.
- Participates as a vital part of the board’s leadership.
- Perform other duties as are from time to time determined by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Any exception to the above must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Past Chairperson’s Job Description
The Past Chairperson shall be appointed to the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors and Officers of the Society to serve in an advisory capacity to the chairperson and Board of Directors as a voting member subject to the provision of the RBCSS Bylaws under Sections 1:1 (a)(b)(c)(d) and 5 (a)(b)(c)(d).
The past chairperson shall:
- Be a member of River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Continuously review, understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Board of Directors.
- Serve in an advisory capacity to the chairperson and Board of Directors of River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
- Attend meetings of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Executive and Board of Directors.
- If unable to attend a Board Meeting, members must contact the Secretary with a reason for the absence prior to the meeting.
- The Past chairperson shall serve on River Bourgeois Community Services Society’s Policy Committee.
- The Past Chairperson shall serve on River Bourgeois Community Services Society’s Nominating Committee.
- Perform other duties as are from time to time determined by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Any exception to the above must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Secretary’s Job Description
The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that accurate and sufficient documentation exists to meet legal requirements, and to enable authorized persons to determine when, how, and by whom the board’s business was conducted. In order to fulfill these responsibilities, and subject to the River Bourgeois Community Services Society’s bylaws, the Secretary records minutes of meetings, ensures their accuracy, and availability, proposes policies and practices, submits various reports to the board, maintains membership records, fulfills any other requirements of a Director and Officer, and performs other duties as the need arises and/or as defined in the bylaws.
The secretary shall:
- Be a member of River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Continuously review, understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Be the clerk of River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
- Be responsible for giving notice of meetings.
- Prepare and distribute the agenda for board meetings.
- Ensures that an up-to-date copy of the bylaws is available at all meetings.
- Attend River Bourgeois Community Services Society Executive and Board of Directors meetings and record & prepare all pertinent information of proceedings.
- If unable to attend a Board Meeting, contact the chairperson prior to the meeting with a reason for the absence in order that alternate arrangements for a replacement can be made.
- Record all attendance including reason for absence. Contact chairperson if any Board of Director Member misses 3 meetings within the year without a valid reason.
- Ensure minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting.
- Manages minutes of board meetings.
- Be responsible for correspondence with individuals or organizations when requested by the Board of Directors or Chairperson of River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
- Maintains records of the board and ensures effective management of all River Bourgeois Community Services Society records. The said records shall be the property of River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
- Provide historical information on request of River Bourgeois Community Services Society members provided a one month written notice is given with the reason for the request as stated in section 9, paragraph 3 of the bylaws.
- Prepare/assist with grant applications.
- Perform other duties as are from time to time determined by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Any exception to the above must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Treasurer’s Job Description
Financial accountability is of the utmost importance to River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors. If our funders lose faith in our ability to control and account for finances, they lose faith in our whole organization. The treasurer is responsible to the members (as with every Board member) of River Bourgeois Community Services Society and to the funders for the funds received and spent by River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
The treasurer shall:
- Be a member of River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Continuously review, understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Board of Directors.
- Attend meetings of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Executive and Board of Directors.
- If unable to attend a Board Meeting, members must contact the Secretary with a reason for the absence prior to the meeting.
- Have custody of all funds and accounts of River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
- The books and accounts of River Bourgeois Community Services Society shall be kept in a complete and accurate method of bookkeeping best adapted to show the financial state of the society. The said books shall be the property of River Bourgeois Community Services Society
- Report the financial position of River Bourgeois Community Services Society at all Board of Director and Annual General Meetings and/or any other meetings as requested by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- At each Annual General Meeting present a true account of River Bourgeois Community Services Society’s receipts and expenditures for the preceding year and also a statement of all liabilities and assets as of the thirty-first day of December of the preceding year including the cost of year end inventories of the bar, canteen and bingo stock.
- Arrange for cheque signing authority change-overs following the Annual General Meeting.
- Apply for HST/GST rebates (semi-annually in January & July).
- Provide the external accountant with all records necessary to complete the Registered Charity and Public Information Return (by June 30th each year).
- Prepare, in conjunction with the Chairperson, a budget for River Bourgeois Community Services Society for the upcoming year and present budget to the Board of Directors for approval.
- Ensure that River Bourgeois Community Services Society financial policies are being followed.
- Maintain and manage the following on an ongoing basis:
- On a personal computer, the current and previous year’s detailed financial data on all River Bourgeois Community Services Society Accounts such as the Hall, Bingo, Cenotaph, Tara Lynne Touesnard Bursary, etc.
- Regular financial summaries for River Bourgeois Community Services Society monthly meetings.
- Physical files of background documentation for audit purposes.
- Bank statements – check and balance all on a monthly basis.
- Deposit all money, drafts and cheques collected on behalf of River Bourgeois Community Services Society to the appropriate account in the banks and depositories designated by the board.
- Endorse for deposit notes, cheques and drafts received by River Bourgeois Community Services Society making proper vouchers for the deposit.
- Pay all invoices/expenses incurred by River Bourgeois Community Services Society and charge to the appropriate account.
- Obtain and monitor monetary floats for events as required.
- Reimburse River Bourgeois Community Services Society members and volunteers for expenses incurred in the course of River Bourgeois Community Services Society business.
- Complete payroll spreadsheet and disperse payroll.
- Complete and submit all required documents to Revenue Canada in regards to payroll such as monthly remittances, records of employment, T4 and T4 summaries.
- Complete and submit all required reports to Worker’s Compensation Board such as monthly remittances, annual reports, etc.
- Disperse Tara Lynne Touesnard bursary to successful recipients.
- Complete and disperse official charitable donation tax receipts as per CCRA regulations and River Bourgeois Community Services Society policy.
- Provide historical financial information on request of River Bourgeois Community Services Society members provided a one month written notice is given with the reason for the inspection as stated in section 9, paragraph 3 of the bylaws.
- Complete and submit all required documents, reports and fees with the NS Department of Alcohol & Gaming Division (bingo reports & lottery licenses).
- Act as Treasurer for all special events providing a financial summary at the conclusion of each fundraising event for the coordinator of the event and the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors
- Assist with grant applications in regards to finances & employment. Submit final report for all grants received.
- Arrange for the movement of investments in and out of GIC’s or Esavings as required to maximize income.
- Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures.
- Perform other duties as are from time to time determined by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Any exception to the above must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Bar Committee Chairperson’s Job Description
The Bar chairperson(s) is responsible for ensuring that the bartenders are aware of and fulfill their responsibilities, comply with applicable Alcohol & Gaming regulations and River Bourgeois Community Services Society Policies.
The Bar chairperson(s) may or may not be responsible to do all the work themselves but to assure that work is complete in a timely fashion and that any expenditure involved have the approval of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
The Bar Chairperson(s) shall:
- Be a member of River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Continuously review, understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Attend all meetings of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors with a written report on the status quo of the bar.
- Take inventory immediately upon being elected to ensure that the numbers correspond with previous chairperson’s numbers. If different – advise treasurer. An inventory will be taken upon request from treasurer.
- Control alcohol supplies. Purchase supplies from a licensed supplier to ensure sufficient stock is in the hall prior to events.
- All bar functions shall have registered security guards (if deck is used-2 guards are required) and that they be booked through the janitor at the expense of the renter.
- Ensure that the bar be set up and operated by members of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bar Committee and the profits realized from the sale of alcohol shall remain with River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
- Ensure that at least one bartender serving at each event have the “Responsible Server’s Course”.
- Ensure that homemade wine, beer and/or other spirits not be permitted on the premises. All alcohol must bear the Nova Scotia Liquor Commission stamp and be accounted for on purchase orders from the Nova Scotia Liquor Commission.
- Ensure that only persons of legal age be permitted to be on premises during hours of alcohol sales. At family functions, minors may be permitted on premises providing that a list of those under the age of 19 is submitted to the bar operators for posting prior to the opening of the bar. This is in accordance with regulations of the Liquor License in effect.
- Ensure that alcohol is not permitted outside of the hall & off the deck during an alcohol function unless proper licensing is in effect for the occasion.
- Ensure that a liquor license for wine and bar be purchased at user’s expense and it is their responsibility to obtain such from Nova Scotia Alcohol & Gaming. Copy of license must be provided to bar committee chairperson one week prior to the event and posted in the bar area prior to the opening of the bar.
- Perform other duties as are from time to time determined by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Any exception to the above policies/procedures must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Festival Chairperson’s Job Description
Festival chairperson(s) may or may not be responsible to do all the work themselves but to assure that work is complete in a timely fashion and with the approval of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors for any expenditure involved. The annual festival is the main fundraiser for River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
The Festival Chairperson(s) shall:
- Report (or delegate a board member on the festival committee to report) festival activities and revenue & expenses incurred during the festival to the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Assist with grant applications in regards to festival finances & employment. Submit final report for all grants received.
- Create a list of all scheduled events for the festival.
- Ensure that there is an individual to chair each event and that she/he understands their duties.
- Ensure that each event chair has the number of volunteers necessary to complete their assigned tasks.
- Ensure that each event chair has the equipment/supplies necessary to complete their assigned tasks.
- Assist the treasurer to set the required floats for each scheduled event.
- Work with the festival coordinator (if available) to create posters, advertising schedules, brochures and media announcements in a timely fashion.
- Ensure that the treasurer or assigned individuals collects monies throughout the festival and presents such to the treasurer.
- Ensure that the bar chairperson obtains licenses for alcohol to be sold at any festival events serving alcohol if necessary.
- Ensure that the bingo chairperson obtains licenses for the sale of any tickets and/or merchandise bingo if necessary.
- Ensure that all licenses/permits required for outdoor events including the poker run, etc. are obtained if necessary.
- Work closely with event chairs as required prior to the festival.
- Complete and submit all documents/reports required by Alcohol & Gaming Division (lottery licenses) to the treasurer if necessary.
- Perform other duties as are from time to time determined by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Any exception to the above must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Fundraising Chairperson’s Job Description
Fundraising chairperson(s) may or may not be responsible to do all the work themselves. Any expenditure involved will be approved by River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
The Fundraising Chairperson(s) shall:
- Report (or delegate a board member on the fundraising committee to report) fundraising activities and revenue & expenses incurred during the fundraiser to the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Assist with grant applications related to fundraising activities. Submit final report for all grants received.
- Ensure that each event has the number of volunteers necessary to complete their assigned tasks.
- Ensure that each event has the equipment/supplies necessary to complete their assigned tasks.
- Assist the treasurer to set the required floats for each scheduled event.
- Work to create posters, advertising schedules, brochures and media announcements in a timely fashion.
- Ensure that the treasurer or assigned individuals collects monies throughout the event and present such to the treasurer.
- Ensure that the bar chairperson obtains licenses for alcohol to be sold at any event serving alcohol if necessary.
- Ensure that the bingo chairperson obtains licenses for the sale of any tickets and/or merchandise bingo if necessary.
- Ensure that all licenses/permits required for outdoor events, e.g. the poker run, etc. are obtained if necessary.
- Work closely with festival chairs as required prior to the festival to support their fundraising events.
- Complete and submit all documents/reports required by Alcohol & Gaming Division (lottery licenses) to the treasurer if necessary.
- Perform other duties as are from time to time determined by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Any exception to the above must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Property Service Chairperson(s) Job Description
Property services chairperson (s) may or may not be responsible to do all the work themselves but to assure that work is completed in a timely fashion and with the approval of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors for any expenditure involved.
The Property Service Chairperson shall:
- Be a member of River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
- Continuously review, understand and abide by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to carry out the responsibilities of a member of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society.
- Make sure that all properties owned by River Bourgeois Community Services Society are in good condition and working order. These properties include:
- Tara Lynne Community Center
- River Bourgeois Visitation Parlour
- River Bourgeois Lighthouse
- River Bourgeois Tennis courts
- River Bourgeois Playground
- Bona Ball field & canteen
- River Bourgeois Cenotaph & War Memorial Wall
- Schooners Ball field
- Parking lots & grounds surrounding the above noted properties
- River Bourgeois Seniors’ 50+ Club (leased to Senior’s 50+ Club)
- Any future acquisitions
- Take action to insure all above properties are in compliance with municipal, provincial & federal guidelines and that all above properties have the proper insurance.
- Make necessary repairs or arrange repairs to be completed on all faulty equipment at any of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society properties by either doing it himself/herself or getting estimates for repairs or replacement from companies or qualified person to do the repairs in a timely fashion.
- Have the discretionary authority to carry out emergency repairs which may be based on health & safety risks or damage to property to a maximum of $500.00 without the approval of the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors or the Executive.
- Document and maintain list of keys & codes issued to authorized members of the community. All keys must be received from the property services chairperson and signed for by person receiving them.
- Make sure annual services such as alarm testing (March) and fire extinguisher service (June) are completed on a schedule time and keep records on file.
- Advertise for lawn mowing (April) & snow removal (October) in accordance with the Tendering/Non Tendering Policy.
- Make sure property grounds are mowed & trimmed and the equipment is in good working order. People doing the mowing shall be at least 16 years of age to comply with the NS Department of Labour Regulations.
- Report all accomplishment or deficiencies to the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors at their monthly meeting in a written format.
- Request estimates for all jobs, repairs or purchases in accordance with the Tendering/Non Tendering policy.
- Oversee any River Bourgeois Community Services Society property caretakers to be sure properties are being maintained e.g. Visitation Parlour Committee etc. Assist where necessary.
- Access from time to time to ensure that the basic janitorial services are being completed as outlined in the Janitorial Services & Hall Reservations Agreement and report any deficiencies to the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Make grant applications related to any property maintenance/capital in consultation with River Bourgeois Community Services Society secretary & treasurer.
- Assign a list of duties/responsibilities for a summer student (mowing, painting or cleaning) and oversee that student or assign a supervisor approved by River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Make recommendations to River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors with regard to any future expansion plans for further property acquisition or improvements and repairs.
Any exception to the above policies/procedures must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
Nominating Committee Members Job Description
The Nominating Committee is responsible for conducting nominations and elections for the Annual General Meeting as per River Bourgeois Community Services Society By-Laws Section 5:3 and 5:4.
One month prior to the Annual General Meeting the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least three members. A chairperson shall be named and he/she shall prepare a slate of nominees for the Board of Directors and Officers of the Society:
The Nominating Committee Members shall:
- Be members of River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.
- Once appointed by River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors, convene prior to the Annual General Meeting.
- Make contact (in person or by telephone) with current members of the Board of Directors to determine if they wish to be nominated for re-election.
- Make contact (in person or by telephone) with registered members of the Society for any vacant director (s) and officer (s) positions on the Board of Directors to determine if they wish to be nominated for election.
- Ensure willingness of nominees to accept and perform duties of the position(s) as per approved Job Description(s) to which they may be elected.
- Present a slate of nominees of directors and officers to the Annual General Meeting.
- After presenting the slate of nominees of directors and officers, ask for further nominations from the floor among registered members three times for each position. Members must be in attendance to be nominated from the floor.
- After the third request for nominations for each position, declare the nominations cease.
- In the event of more than one nominee, conduct a ballot and count the votes.
- Once ballots are counted, declare the winner and all ballots are then destroyed.
- Once elections are complete, the nominating committee chair turns the meeting over to the newly elected chair of the Board.
Any exception to the above policies/procedures must be approved by the River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.