River Bourgeois 46th Annual Festival

This years festival will take place August 24th to September 1st

Schedule of events,:

August 24th to September 1st

August 24th: Chase the Ace & Cafe’ Luncheon

August 25th: Merchandise and Cash Bingo

August 26th: 45 Card Game

August 27th: Poker Walk

August 28th:

1: The Official Opening of the Playground, Courts, Walking Path and new additions to the Ball Field. Games for the children to follow

2: Marking the 30th Anniversary of the passing of Tara Lynne with Celtic music and a light lunch.

August 29th: Gerry’s Music Circle

August 30th: Trivia Night with host Karl Nightingale

August 31st:

1: Softball games

2: Men’s Breakfast led by Glenn and Neil Burke

3: Chase the Ace & Cafe’ Luncheon

4: Festival Dance with Ross Rankin & Beech Hill

September 1st:

1: Duck Race: Purchase a duck for $5. or a “Quack Pack” 5 for $20.. The race will be held in the waters at the end of the South Side. Prizes are $500, $200, and $100. For the Love of Duck get your tickets soon.

2: Dinner 4-6pm: Chicken Pot Pie with salad, dessert

3: Concert 7-9pm with Robert Bouchard

PS: Also marking the 30th anniversary of the closing of the River Bourgeois Consolidated School/Stella Maris School. Check for any photos you may have and we will post them in the hall during the festival. Will advise in our brochure were to send them or give them to. Please put names on the back so that they can be returned to you.

More info and details to follow in the coming weeks

RBCSS AGM Minutes 2024

RBCSS Annual General Meeting
March 28th, 2024
In attendance: Rose Merrick, Sharon Chilvers, Kathy Groves, Marc Touesnard, Tracey
Samson-Smith, Connie Stewart, Donna Babin, Doreen Boudreau, Carolyn Fougere
Guest/s: Mary LeRue, Dana Touesnard, Tom Bona
Absent with regrets: Wayne Bona, Heidi LeRue, Paul Martell
Call to order: President Rose Merrick called the meeting to order at 7:22 pm
Approval of agenda: Kathy Groves moved the agenda, seconded by Carolyn Fougere,
motion carried
Approval of minutes: Sharon Chilvers moved the minutes of March 16/2023, seconded by
Kathy Groves, motion carried
Business arising: No new business
Correspondence: none
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s report attached. Kathy Groves moved her report, seconded
by Sharon Chilvers, motion carried
Committee Reports: (Annual summary)
Festival Events and Fundraisers for 2023
Chase the Ace –Two different ones were held.
First one was 15 weeks and netted us $8,725.00
Second one was 11 weeks and netted us $6,092.50
Total for 2023 was $ 14,817.50
Café Luncheon for 2023 was a net profit of $9728.79
Festival went quite well and netted a profit of $11,357.49. We need to find
something new for the Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday nights (The music that
is held on Thursday is held at the Anne Sampson Building) to improve our bottom
Rose Merrick was honoured for her leadership.
Canada Day festivities were held during the Chase the Ace/Café Luncheon
The 16 th Annual Community Christmas Celebration was held and well attended to
end the year.
Thanks to all who helped raise these funds
Sharon & Rose
Sharon Chilvers moved her report, seconded by Tracey Samson-Smith, motion carried
Property Services/Visitation Parlour:
Maintenance Report for April 2023 to April 2024
During the spring of 2023 we replaced the sink and faucet in the canteen. Began planning
and preparing the basement spaces for new flooring.
Summer started with the hiring of a student, Emily Grimes, to take care of the outside spaces
around the community hall, baseball field and Seniors building. Mowing and grass trimming
consumed much of her time, but she also helped with painting inside the hall.
The chairs & tables in the basement were stored away to clear the spaces for new flooring.
The walls were painted, trim removed and replaced after the floo was finished.
A new electric furnace & hot water tank were installed to replace the old heating system on
the main floor. Downstairs we had new baseboard heaters installed to replace the old ones.
Outside we had new signs placed on the community centre, seniors building, tennis court,
and baseball field. Repairs were done to the wheelchair ramp. The deck & ramp were
pressure washed in preparation for paint, but unfortunately due to our wet summer, did not
get painted.
The baseball canteen was completed and bathrooms were finished. Lawn care equipment &
baseball equipment were moved into the new building making them more accessible.
The tennis court nets were set up and ready for the summer.
The baseball field and driveway were repaired for the season.
Due to problems with our water system, we had to place a UV unit on the water supply. The
unit was inspected and water tested and passed by the Dept of Environment.
Once the summer season ended the tennis courts & baseball field were closed up and we
had a quiet fall and winter until February 2024.
In February due to the large quantity of snow, alot of shovelling was required to keep the hall
accessible for events and meetings.
A new door for the emergency entrance off the kitchen was ordered, received and waiting to
be installed once the weather improves.
Doreen Boudreau moved her report, seconded byCarolyn Fougere, motion carried
Youth Development:
Heidi LeRue’s report via email 3/28/24
There are no new fundraising efforts on the horizon. When the weather warms up, we
are going to start looking for volunteers to put together the final pieces of playground
equipment that was delivered in the winter. This includes a small playset for children
as well as a communication board. We will also be hiring Bernard Burke to come in
and do some finishing touches on the walking trail. Additionally, we will be asking
Bernard to put the posts in place for the basketball nets. There is wood and materials
up by the playground for the dugouts, Stewart Kelly worked towards securing this
material and is planning to have parents work together to finish the dugout project.
Heidi LeRue
Read by Rose Merrick, seconded by Connie Stewart, motion carried
President’s Report:
Good evening,
As we gather for our annual meeting, I am pleased to reflect on a year marked by substantial
progress and achievement across various projects. These accomplishments include the leveling
and installation of new flooring in the basement, c@psite and bathroom, as well as the successful
installation of new heating radiators. Additionally, we saw the transition to an electric furnace,
replacing outdated systems, and improvements in ventilation throughout the premises.
A new hot water heater was installed and the implementation of a durable metal roof, effectively
resolving long standing issues with leaks.
The total investment in these initiatives amounted to $82,000, supported by contributions of
$5,000 from the municipality and $29,800 from the province, with the remaining balance sourced
from fundraising activities. I extend my sincere appreciation to the diligent efforts of our board
members throughout the year, whose dedication has been invaluable in driving our collective
As we move forward, you will hear comprehensive reports from the chairs of our various
committees. I extend my gratitude to each member of the board for their unwavering commitment
and collaboration, and I eagerly anticipate another year of shared accomplishments and growth.
Thank you.
Rose Merrick
Nominating committee – Election of officers and Board members for 2022
Executive committee:
President: Rose Merrick
Vice President: vacant
Treasurer: Kathy Groves
Secretary: Donna Babin
Past President: Sharon Chilvers
Board members:
Festivals & Events: Rose Merrick & Sharon Chilvers
Property Services/Visitation Parlour: Paul Martell & Doreen Boudreau
Youth Development: Heidi LeRue
At large:
Carolyn Fougere
Connie Stewart
Marc Touesnard
Wayne Bona
Tracey Samson-Smith
New Member Nominations:
Dana Touesnard
Mary LeRue
Tom Bona
New Business:
Next AGM Meeting will be: Thursday March 27th, 2025

Chase the Ace / Cafe’ Luncheon 2024

Chase the Ace & Cafe’ Luncheon will begin again on April 13th / 2024

Jackpot starts at $1000.00 plus 20% of the weeks take

Starting with 32 cards only.

One exception: The Chase the Ace and Luncheon for June 29th will be moved to July 1st, to include the Canada Day Celebrations, as a result of a wedding)

Year in review 2023/2024


As we gather for our annual meeting, I am pleased to reflect on a year marked by substantial progress and achievement across various projects. These accomplishments include the leveling and installation of new flooring in the basement, c@psite and bathroom, as well as the successful installation of new heating radiators. Additionally, we saw the transition to an electric furnace, replacing outdated systems, and improvements in ventilation throughout the premises. A new hot water heater was installed and the implementation of a durable metal roof, effectively resolving longstanding issues with leaks. The total investment in these initiatives amounted to $82,000, supported by contributions of $5,000 from the municipality and $29,800 from the province, with the remaining balance sourced from fundraising activities.

I extend my sincere appreciation to the diligent efforts of our board members throughout the year, whose dedication has been invaluable in driving our collective success. As we move forward, you will hear comprehensive reports from the chairs of our various committees. I extend my gratitude to each member of the board for their unwavering commitment and collaboration, and I eagerly anticipate another year of shared accomplishments and growth.

Thank you.

Rose Merrick, President

Invitation to Senior’s (ages 55+)

Community Links of Nova Scotia has given the River Bourgeois Senior’s 50+ Club funding to put on a few events for “all of our seniors”. The reason for this is to supply outings during the winter months to any or all seniors.
The is “no cost” to anyone and we will take care of the planning, cooking the luncheons, supply transportation to and from the Tara Lynne Centre for those who do not have a vehicle and provide entertainment such as: Cards, bingo,, games or Musical Entertainment at each event.
All we ask is that you let us know if you are coming (so we know how much food to provide) and if you need transportation to the hall.
Call Sharon @ 902-5352512.
Anyone wanting to help and volunteer is welcome to join the team. The more the merrier.
It will take place every second Wednesday, note, in case of storms we will notify with another date. If there is any funding left over we will have some events in March.
January 10th – Storm Date: Postponed to Saturday January 13th. @ noon
January 24th
February 7th
February 21st
It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to get out of the house, enjoy the company of friends, a free lunch and some fun. We are not given this opportunity often, so let’s take advantage.
Happy New Year Everyone

Youth Development Committee

They have been very busy with their projects.
The ball field received a much needed overhaul. Many loads of sand were
used to upgrade the infield and dugouts have been upgraded.
Brush was cleared all around the outside of the ball field and after countless
loads of gravel a new walkway was created which extends to the children’s
park and back to the car lot. A few adjustments as a result of heavy rains will
be made following the winter months.
A basketball court is being built alongside of the ball field canteen and will
be completed soon.
A children’s non-verbal communication board and also two other children’s
houses for youngsters under 5yrs is scheduled to arrive this week, however it
will not be installed in the children’s playground until the spring.

Year in review 2023

RBCSS accomplishments in 2023

We saw the completion of the ball field canteen
A new metal roof was installed on the Tara Lynne Centre
Floors downstairs in the main room and in the Old Cap Site room were
leveled and new Vinyl Tiles were installed along with new heaters,
baseboards and a fresh coat of paint.
A new Electric furnace and electric water heater was installed. We no longer
use oil for heating and water.
A door for one of the back entrances of Tara Lynne Centre has been ordered.
The cost of this entire project was over $82,000. We received a Provincial
Grant of $29,000 and a Municipal Grant of $5,000. The balance was funded
by the monies from Chase the Ace and the Café Luncheon. We thank all
who supported our fundraiser.
The Visitation Parlor had some major repairs done to the rotting beams.
Thanks to Kenneth and Albert for their creative repairs.
Our “45 Annual Festival” was once again a success. Rose Merrick was
acknowledged for her twelve years as President of RBCSS and twenty-four
year of dedicated service to her community. Congratulations Rose

Richmond County Provincial Volunteer 2023


Please join us in congratulating Sharon Chilvers on being Richmond County’s Provincial Volunteer recipient!

Sharon attended the 49th Annual Provincial Volunteer Awards ceremony hosted by Nova Scotia Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.

Rising Together, Giving Back!

Congratulations Sharon.

RB Seniors 50+ AGM Minutes 2023

RB Seniors 50+ Club

AGM Minutes

March 21, 2023

Members Present: 13

The meeting was called to order at:  1:00 pm.

The League prayer was read by Secretary Kim Boudreau

Approval of the agenda , not read

Approval of the minutes: Secretary Kim Boudreau read the minutes of March 29th, 2022, Kim moved that the Minutes be accepted, seconded by Wayne Bona, motion carried.

Old business:None

Correspondence: No correspondence

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer, Sharon Chilvers read her report. 

Treasurer’s report for 2022, read by Sharon Chilvers. Starting balance: $3122.34, ending balance: $4259.22. Sharon moved her report, seconded by Cletus Wedge, motion carried.

President John Digout’s Annual Report:

River Bourgeois Senior’s Report for 2022 Our seniors club has had a wonderful year despite covid-19 closed our doors for the first couple of months. We saw our membership grow to 108 members, The strongest for several years. Our music sessions continue to be well attended with as many as twenty musicians each time. In September we saw the final insulation of our Solar System and immediately saw its benefits. In the winter months especially November to February we had very little sunshine which resulted in very little solar power. This should be avoided next year as we will be accumulating lots from the sun from March on to get us through next winter. I want to take this time to thank those who help us on a regular basis in keeping our music sessions going, those who continue to maintain our building. Special Thanks to the executive for their dedication

President John Digout read his report, he moved it to be accepted, seconded by Wayne Bona, motion carried.

Moment of Silence for our Deceased members: Jeanette Landry, Leda Koning, Marion Maltby, Kenny Cosman and Cletus Touesnard

Nominations for the 2023 Executive Committee are opened by Wayne Bona:

President: John Digout (will remain as President)

Secretary: Donna Babin (has been voted in as Secretary)

Treasurer: Sharon Chilvers (will remain as Treasurer)

1st Vice: Janice Touesnard 

New Business:

We already have many rentals from the County, 44 between April and May. Talks are in the works for moving the Music Circle to the Tara Lynne Centre.

Kim Boudreau verbally resigned as Secretary, note an official written resignation will follow.

President John Digout adjourned the meeting at: 1:30 pm