RB Seniors 50+ AGM Minutes 2023

RB Seniors 50+ Club

AGM Minutes

March 21, 2023

Members Present: 13

The meeting was called to order at:  1:00 pm.

The League prayer was read by Secretary Kim Boudreau

Approval of the agenda , not read

Approval of the minutes: Secretary Kim Boudreau read the minutes of March 29th, 2022, Kim moved that the Minutes be accepted, seconded by Wayne Bona, motion carried.

Old business:None

Correspondence: No correspondence

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer, Sharon Chilvers read her report. 

Treasurer’s report for 2022, read by Sharon Chilvers. Starting balance: $3122.34, ending balance: $4259.22. Sharon moved her report, seconded by Cletus Wedge, motion carried.

President John Digout’s Annual Report:

River Bourgeois Senior’s Report for 2022 Our seniors club has had a wonderful year despite covid-19 closed our doors for the first couple of months. We saw our membership grow to 108 members, The strongest for several years. Our music sessions continue to be well attended with as many as twenty musicians each time. In September we saw the final insulation of our Solar System and immediately saw its benefits. In the winter months especially November to February we had very little sunshine which resulted in very little solar power. This should be avoided next year as we will be accumulating lots from the sun from March on to get us through next winter. I want to take this time to thank those who help us on a regular basis in keeping our music sessions going, those who continue to maintain our building. Special Thanks to the executive for their dedication

President John Digout read his report, he moved it to be accepted, seconded by Wayne Bona, motion carried.

Moment of Silence for our Deceased members: Jeanette Landry, Leda Koning, Marion Maltby, Kenny Cosman and Cletus Touesnard

Nominations for the 2023 Executive Committee are opened by Wayne Bona:

President: John Digout (will remain as President)

Secretary: Donna Babin (has been voted in as Secretary)

Treasurer: Sharon Chilvers (will remain as Treasurer)

1st Vice: Janice Touesnard 

New Business:

We already have many rentals from the County, 44 between April and May. Talks are in the works for moving the Music Circle to the Tara Lynne Centre.

Kim Boudreau verbally resigned as Secretary, note an official written resignation will follow.

President John Digout adjourned the meeting at: 1:30 pm

RBCSS AGM Minutes 2022

RBCSS Annual General Meeting

March 17th, 2022

In attendance: Rose, Sharon. Marc, Kathy, Carolyn, Connie

Virtually: Donna B


Absent with regrets: Wayne, Ricky, Paul, Heidi, Tanya


Call to order: President Rose Merrick called the meetings to order at 6:52 pm (Continuation into AGM)

Approval of agenda: Donna Babin moved the approval of the agenda, 2nd by Connie Stewart, motion carried.

Approval of minutes:  Last AGM was dated November 23, 2020

Business arising: No business arising

Correspondence: No correspondence

Treasurer’s Report: copy as provided by Kathy Groves, moved by Kathy Groves, 2nd by Sharon Chilvers, motion carried

Committee Reports:

Bar: No report




Even with a limited amount of events due to Covid 19, we netted $10,158.


Chase the Ace wasn’t started until July 2nd and by Dec we had a profit of $11242. To be split with Youth Development.

Cafe’ began at the same time and netted us $7488.


Canada Day Festivities were also limited. We chose not to sell any food this year, and the Municipality paid us $500. To cover our cost.

The Community Christmas Celebration was held and RBCSS covered the cost as in previous years.

Sharon and Rose

Sharon Chilvers moved her report, 2nd by Carolyn, motion carried

Property Services/Visitation Parlour:

(submitted via email by Paul Martell)

1/ It was noticed that the cement in front of the new step was starting to crumble. Mallard Construction was made aware and they came up to have a look at it. They told me the cement work is guaranteed so there will be no problem replacing it when the warmer weather shows up.

2/ Ricky gave Sharon a quote on the new building we need, he is also getting a quote on the cement pad that must be included to get the grant.

Youth Development: No report submitted

Nominating committee – Election of officers and Board members for 2022 

Executive committee:

President: Rose Merrick (accepted)

Vice President: vacant

Treasurer: Kathy Groves (accepted)

Secretary: Donna Babin  (Re-submitted and accepted)

Past President: Sharon Chilvers

Board members:

Bar: vacant

Festivals & Events: Co-Chairs: Rose Merrick and Sharon Chilvers

Property Services/Visitation Parlour: Chair: Paul Martell

Property Services: Ricky Stone

Youth Development: Chair: Heidi LeRoux

At large: Carolyn Fougere, Tanya Burke, Wayne Bona, Marc Touesnard, Connie Stewart

New Business:

Rose Merrick: The question has come up about creating a dog park. What section of our land could we use to put it on? Have Ricky look into it.

Next meeting will be: To be advised at a later date

Adjournment: President Rose Merrick adjourned the meeting at 7:26 pm

RBCSS AGM Minutes 2023

RBCSS Annual General Meeting

March 16th, 2023


In attendance:  Rose Merrick, Wayne Bona, Sharon Chilvers, Paul Martell, Carolyn Fougere, Kathy Groves, Donna Babin, Marc Touesnard, Connie Stewart

Guest/s: Doreen Boudreau, Tracey Samson-Smith

Absent with regrets: Heidi


Call to order: Rose Merrick called the meeting to order at 6:32pm

Approval of agenda: Sharon Chilvers moved the agenda, 2nd by Paul Martel, motion carried 

Approval of minutes:  Sharon Chilvers moved the Mar 17/22 AGM Minutes, 2nd by Carolyn Fougere, motion carried.

Business arising:  

Dog park question of 2022: after discussion, only if we can find someone to take it on.

Put up a nice Visitation Parlour sign at the highway exit

Ref: Property Service report #10. Fixing roof cost? Blaire may have some surplus metal roofing. We only have one shot through the county for a grant, so we don’t want to use it on the roof.

Correspondence:  No correspondence

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Annual Report attached. Kathy Groves moved her report, 2nd my Wayne Bona, motion carried

Committee Reports: (Annual summary)


Our Chase the Ace went for 48 weeks before the Ace was picked by Sylvia Allan, it was worth $30,080.00 RBCSS and the Youth Development received $13,142.72 each in 2022. The first six months profit of $9356.72 each were in 2021.

Our Cafe’ had a net profit of $8140.81 from Jan. to July in 2022.

Festival had a net profit of $10,099.38. Attendance was better than previous year. 

Thanks to Rose for my Roast and special award. It was a surprise but much appreciated.

All three fundraisers were way down compared to pre-Covid 19 and also because of the rise in the cost of living.

We had two Trivia Nights fundraisers.

Special events: July 1st was not held due to it falling on a Sunday and we had already worked on Saturday.

The Community Christmas Celebration was very well attended.

That is it for 2022.

Sharon Chilvers and Rose Merrick

Sharon Chilvers moved her report, 2nd by Kathy Groves, so moved.

Property Services/Visitation Parlour:

  1. A new mower was purchased from Babin’s in the spring of 2022

  2. The old clubhouse and canteen were torn down and the area was cleaned in preparation for the new clubhouse.

  3. Work on the replacement clubhouse and canteen was begun in the fall and is still being worked on. Walls and bathrooms still require installment and the building has to be painted for completion of this project. Grants of $9000.00 from the Municipality and $7400.00 from the Government Were approved for the project.

  4. Material has to be purchased for plumbing work to install toilets and sinks in the Tara Lynne Centre. The labor costs for this work is being donated by Johnathan Stone.

  5. Mike MacPhee sign has to be removed and debris moved away.

  6. The tennis nets were removed last fall and should be looked at and a decision made whether to replace them or try to fix them.

  7. The sheds have been cleaned of garbage and a load was taken to the dump by John Burke.

  8. A new garbage bin was constructed and put in place. The old bin needs to be taken apart for bulk garbage pick up.

  9. The fire extinguishers in all three locations were checked and serviced by Strait Fire Extinguishers.

  10. There have been 3 quotes submitted regarding the roof repairs. We’re still awaiting word whether the grant will be approved or not.

  11. There has been no further word on the approval of the generator for a proposed Comfort Centre at the Tara Lynne Centre. Several calls were made to check on it’s status with no update to report.

Paul Martell moved his report, 2nd by Kathy Groves, so moved

Youth Development:

YDC Report: Submitted via email 03/08/2023

It has been determined that a Splash pad will be too expensive for us to install. Our current

pricing for installation with recirculating water system (which is needed due to us not having

town water) is over $230,000. As a result, we have decided to concentrate our efforts in other

areas. We are currently looking into a skate park or a rollerblade area that can be converted to a

outdoor rink similar to what is found in New Waterford. We are in talks with a few people for

quotes on these projects. We have had Bernard Burke come to the recreation area and quote us

on creating a walking trail around the ballfield and creation of a pad for a 30×50 foot basketball court. It is our plan to have the walking trail as well as the basketball court completed by the end of the summer. I contacted ocean paving last year regarding the basketball court and we will also be seeking a quote from Blaine Landry at Capers Concrete.

Heidi LeRoux

Read and moved by Donna Babin, 2nd by Carolyn Fougere, so moved

Nominating committee – Election of officers and Board members for 2022 

Executive committee:

President:  Rose Merrick

Vice President:  vacant

Treasurer: Kathy Groves

Secretary: Donna Babin

Past President: Sharon Chilvers

Board members:

Festivals & Events: Sharon Chilvers & Rose Merrick co-Chair

Property Services/Visitation Parlour: Paul Martell Chair, (Visitation Parlour Kenny and Albert)

Youth Development: Heidi LeReux Chair

At large: Connie Stewart, Marc Touesnard, Wayne Bona, Carolyn Fougere

New Member Nominations:

Wayne Bona nominated: Doreen Boudreau and Tracey Samson-Smith to the Board of Directors. Nominations were put to the Board, new members were approved.

Welcome to the new members of RBCSS

New Business: Ricky Stone will not be returning as an active member of the board.

Next AGM Meeting will be: Thursday March 28th, 2024

Adjournment: Rose Merrick adjourned the meeting at: 7:20pm

All the best for 2023

River Bourgeois Community Services Society would like to wish everyone all the best in 2023.

We made it through 2022 with some challenges, but better than 2021.

Together as a community we are strong.

So Have a happy, healthy and safe 2023.


Year in review 2022

2022 Highlights

Following 49 weeks of Chase the Ace and weekly Café Luncheons the Ace
of Spades was picked on July 28th and Sylvia Allen was the recipient of
$30,080.00. Congratulations. We will restart next April after a much needed
rest. Thanks to all our volunteers and our wonderful bakers. We could not do
this without you.
In July we also saw the completion of the installation of Solar Panels on the
Anne Sampson Building. Thanks to a grant from New Horizon Seniors
Program and one from Efficiency Nova Scotia, there was no cost to us and
with the additional monies we were able to add a new door and a couple of
new heaters.
During the summer months a new ball field canteen was built, replacing the
much deteriorated old one at a cost of over $32,000. Thanks to the
Municipality of Richmond for their contribution of $9,000.00 and the
Federal Government contribution of $7417.00. A new lawn mower was also
Our 44th Annual Community Festival was held. With great weather, good
attendance, and limited events despite Covid-19 again this year, we manage
to have a successful Festival.
With the continuing rise in the cost of living the Board of Directors have
decided we needed to upgrade our heating system. A consultant from
Efficiency Nova Scotia met with three of the board members on November
7th to discuss what was required to bring the building to it maximum
efficiency. He did an overall review of the building, and we are awaiting his
final report.

Chase the Ace 2023

Congratulations to Tanis Carter from Whitehorse ( visiting grandma’ in- law Anne Sampson) who won $253.00 at Chase the Ace and picked the Ace of Spades worth $4655.50.

Thank you for a great season and Chase the Ace and the Cafe’ will return in 2024, see you all then.

Chace the Ace Winner circle 2022

July 30, 2022

Congratulations to Sylvia Allen.

With only 4 cards remaining, Sylvia is the winner of the Grand prize.

Total: $32,080.00

Congratulations Sylvia.

Thank you to all who came out to the Cafe’ and played Chase the Ace. We will see you again in the fall.

Community Volunteer appreciation

RBCSS would like to acknowledge the many men and women who volunteer many hours to the
community behind the scenes on our behalf.
Funeral Home
Albert Burke/ Kenneth LeBlanc who do the maintenance and grounds upkeep
Marie and Conrad Fougere who take the bookings, cleaning and takes care of kitchen supplies
Bernard Burke for doing all the plowing at no cost
Gerald LeBlanc for doing the painting and maintenance
Gary Burke for picking up our garbage at no cost
Seniors Building
John Digout/ Wayne Bona for the “Gerry’s Music Circle
Leona Campbell /Florence Landry for keeping the gym clean
Danny Landry/Kenneth LeBlanc for doing the building and gym equipment maintenance
Glyn Chilvers for doing the grounds keeping
Cenotaph/ Monument
Donnie Pottie/Raymond Doary for their continuous dedication to perfection
Baseball field
Joan Burke taking the bookings and all who maintain the field especially Stewart Kelly
Trivia Nights
Janice Touesnard organizes Trivia nights several times a year along with her team, hubby Ervin, Debbie & David Digout, Karin & Art Digout and Pat & Karl Nightingale
Bakers: Over sixty bakers helped us out this past Chase the Ace/ Café Luncheon. We could not do these meals without your help as we need two bakers each week. Very much appreciated.
Servers: Thanks so much for your assistance, we are so grateful. Thanks Susan Boudreau for years of washing dishes.
Cooks: Thanks to the Lobster Fisherman for their donations once again, Dolores Roberts, Arthur Doary, Janice
Touesnard, Sharon Stone and our anonymous cook for the donated meals.
Canteen: Thanks to all who volunteered, especially our young helpers Karson, Keighan, Kate, Amelia and Julia.
As a result of Covid19 conditions many of the events were not possible Thanks to all who organized the events?
Merchandise Bingo: Sharon thanks all the local business for their donation of prizes and caller Tina Coleman.
Music Night:John Digout/Wayne Bona and their many friends who entertained
Trivia: Janice Touesnard and friends and our emcee Karl Nightingale
Softball: Tracy Baker who organized an exceptional ball tournament and winning teams for donating their cash prize to RBCSS. All who barbecued and worked the canteen
Men’s Breakfast:Donnie Pottie and his male staff for another awesome breakfast
Dinner: Rose Merrick for organizing a delicious dinner and thanks to a great staff of volunteers
Concert: Wayne Bona for doing the sound and Robert Bouchard for the entertainment
Quilt: Thanks to Susan Walker for donating a quilt once again.

If anyone was missed, please accept our apology. We appreciate each and every volunteer.

RBCSS Board of Directors:


President: Rose Merrick- Rose joined the Board in 1999 and serves as President since 2012. She also serves as Co-Chair of the Festival, Events and Fundraising Committee.
Treasurer: Kathryn Groves- Kathryn arrived on the shores of River Bourgeois during Hurricane Earl 2016 and a year later joined the Board as Treasurer. She does not only take wonderful care of our money, but helps out at almost every RBCSS function. She is best known for picking the weekly winning ticket at Chase the Ace.
Secretary: Donna Babin- Donna joined the Board in 2014 as Secretary and has done some amazing work. She keeps the Website up to date and does the Festival Brochures besides her secretarial duties.
Past President: Sharon Chilvers joined the Board in 1999 and is Co-Chair of the Festival, Events and
Fundraising Committee. She also does the Funding Grants for RBCSS, Seniors Club and Summer Students.
Board Members at Large:
Wayne Bona- Wayne has been a Board member since 1982 and has served as President. He is Chair of the Policy & amp; Procedures Committee and does the sound for all the music function at the hall.
Connie Stewart- Connie joined the Board in 2010 and is still in the work force until the end of each summer but makes up for lost time during the Festival events and all Christmas functions.
Carolyn Fougere- Carolyn joined the Board in 2013 and works at every function RBCSS holds. She is the epitome of a volunteer
Paul Martell- Paul joined the Board in 2012 and is Chair of Property Service. He is responsible for the upkeep of both the RBSS buildings and the grounds. Many hours of work goes into this position plus Paul is always available to help in hall functions.
Ricky Stone- Ricky joined the Board also in 2012 and served many years as Chair of Property Services, however due to health restrictions he now assist Paul and spends many hours also, as this position is a two- person job. He has supervised Summer Students for 10 years. He is always ready to give a helping hand

Tanya Burke- joined the Board in 2010. Tanya’s creativity is invaluable and works when she can as she is still in the work force.
Marc Touesnard- Marc Joined the Board in 2015 and also works at most functions and barbecues at the ball field canteen. He is still in the workforce and cannot always be there
Heidi LeRoux- Heidi our newest member joined the Board in 2017 as Chair of the Youth Development. She made an immediate impact with her fundraising abilities and in 2019 the children had a new playground. She is in the process of adding several new projects to the River Bourgeois Complex in 2023.
Behind members of the Board are the spouses that are there to assist at many of these functions or work behind the scenes. Thanks to Mark, Bob, Leo, Glyn, Lucille, Sharon, Jamie, Charlene and Garrett.

Please note: The longevity on RBCSS Board of Directors indicates a great team. Anyone wishing to make an impact in our community can contact Rose Merrick. Many hands make less work. All are welcome

Gerry’s Music Circle

Day:   Every second Thursday

Time:  6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Place: Anne Sampson Building.

All welcome to sing, play music and enjoy our fellowship.

Goodwill donation at the door.

Refreshments are served.

If you need more information, call John Digout at 227-8259 or Wayne Bona at 302-2253

All proceeds from events go towards the support of our facilities.

All Covid-19 Restrictions Apply

Must Show Proof of Vaccination at all events.

Year in review 2020

River Bourgeois Community Services Society


In 2019 The Society had a super year, especially with the Chase the Ace fundraiser. Everyone did a great job and a lot of extra work, including participating and helping out with other events.

In 2020 we started off with much enthusiasm, however by March the whole country was shut down due to epidemic Covid-19. In July we were approached by Future Worx who desperately needed a place to train LPN for the next 12 months. The rent helped us pay a good portion of our expenses.