Chace the Ace Winner circle 2022

July 30, 2022

Congratulations to Sylvia Allen.

With only 4 cards remaining, Sylvia is the winner of the Grand prize.

Total: $32,080.00

Congratulations Sylvia.

Thank you to all who came out to the Cafe’ and played Chase the Ace. We will see you again in the fall.

Community Volunteer appreciation

RBCSS would like to acknowledge the many men and women who volunteer many hours to the
community behind the scenes on our behalf.
Funeral Home
Albert Burke/ Kenneth LeBlanc who do the maintenance and grounds upkeep
Marie and Conrad Fougere who take the bookings, cleaning and takes care of kitchen supplies
Bernard Burke for doing all the plowing at no cost
Gerald LeBlanc for doing the painting and maintenance
Gary Burke for picking up our garbage at no cost
Seniors Building
John Digout/ Wayne Bona for the “Gerry’s Music Circle
Leona Campbell /Florence Landry for keeping the gym clean
Danny Landry/Kenneth LeBlanc for doing the building and gym equipment maintenance
Glyn Chilvers for doing the grounds keeping
Cenotaph/ Monument
Donnie Pottie/Raymond Doary for their continuous dedication to perfection
Baseball field
Joan Burke taking the bookings and all who maintain the field especially Stewart Kelly
Trivia Nights
Janice Touesnard organizes Trivia nights several times a year along with her team, hubby Ervin, Debbie & David Digout, Karin & Art Digout and Pat & Karl Nightingale
Bakers: Over sixty bakers helped us out this past Chase the Ace/ Café Luncheon. We could not do these meals without your help as we need two bakers each week. Very much appreciated.
Servers: Thanks so much for your assistance, we are so grateful. Thanks Susan Boudreau for years of washing dishes.
Cooks: Thanks to the Lobster Fisherman for their donations once again, Dolores Roberts, Arthur Doary, Janice
Touesnard, Sharon Stone and our anonymous cook for the donated meals.
Canteen: Thanks to all who volunteered, especially our young helpers Karson, Keighan, Kate, Amelia and Julia.
As a result of Covid19 conditions many of the events were not possible Thanks to all who organized the events?
Merchandise Bingo: Sharon thanks all the local business for their donation of prizes and caller Tina Coleman.
Music Night:John Digout/Wayne Bona and their many friends who entertained
Trivia: Janice Touesnard and friends and our emcee Karl Nightingale
Softball: Tracy Baker who organized an exceptional ball tournament and winning teams for donating their cash prize to RBCSS. All who barbecued and worked the canteen
Men’s Breakfast:Donnie Pottie and his male staff for another awesome breakfast
Dinner: Rose Merrick for organizing a delicious dinner and thanks to a great staff of volunteers
Concert: Wayne Bona for doing the sound and Robert Bouchard for the entertainment
Quilt: Thanks to Susan Walker for donating a quilt once again.

If anyone was missed, please accept our apology. We appreciate each and every volunteer.

RBCSS Board of Directors:


President: Rose Merrick- Rose joined the Board in 1999 and serves as President since 2012. She also serves as Co-Chair of the Festival, Events and Fundraising Committee.
Treasurer: Kathryn Groves- Kathryn arrived on the shores of River Bourgeois during Hurricane Earl 2016 and a year later joined the Board as Treasurer. She does not only take wonderful care of our money, but helps out at almost every RBCSS function. She is best known for picking the weekly winning ticket at Chase the Ace.
Secretary: Donna Babin- Donna joined the Board in 2014 as Secretary and has done some amazing work. She keeps the Website up to date and does the Festival Brochures besides her secretarial duties.
Past President: Sharon Chilvers joined the Board in 1999 and is Co-Chair of the Festival, Events and
Fundraising Committee. She also does the Funding Grants for RBCSS, Seniors Club and Summer Students.
Board Members at Large:
Wayne Bona- Wayne has been a Board member since 1982 and has served as President. He is Chair of the Policy & amp; Procedures Committee and does the sound for all the music function at the hall.
Connie Stewart- Connie joined the Board in 2010 and is still in the work force until the end of each summer but makes up for lost time during the Festival events and all Christmas functions.
Carolyn Fougere- Carolyn joined the Board in 2013 and works at every function RBCSS holds. She is the epitome of a volunteer
Paul Martell- Paul joined the Board in 2012 and is Chair of Property Service. He is responsible for the upkeep of both the RBSS buildings and the grounds. Many hours of work goes into this position plus Paul is always available to help in hall functions.
Ricky Stone- Ricky joined the Board also in 2012 and served many years as Chair of Property Services, however due to health restrictions he now assist Paul and spends many hours also, as this position is a two- person job. He has supervised Summer Students for 10 years. He is always ready to give a helping hand

Tanya Burke- joined the Board in 2010. Tanya’s creativity is invaluable and works when she can as she is still in the work force.
Marc Touesnard- Marc Joined the Board in 2015 and also works at most functions and barbecues at the ball field canteen. He is still in the workforce and cannot always be there
Heidi LeRoux- Heidi our newest member joined the Board in 2017 as Chair of the Youth Development. She made an immediate impact with her fundraising abilities and in 2019 the children had a new playground. She is in the process of adding several new projects to the River Bourgeois Complex in 2023.
Behind members of the Board are the spouses that are there to assist at many of these functions or work behind the scenes. Thanks to Mark, Bob, Leo, Glyn, Lucille, Sharon, Jamie, Charlene and Garrett.

Please note: The longevity on RBCSS Board of Directors indicates a great team. Anyone wishing to make an impact in our community can contact Rose Merrick. Many hands make less work. All are welcome

Gerry’s Music Circle

Day:   Every second Thursday

Time:  6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Place: Anne Sampson Building.

All welcome to sing, play music and enjoy our fellowship.

Goodwill donation at the door.

Refreshments are served.

If you need more information, call John Digout at 227-8259 or Wayne Bona at 302-2253

All proceeds from events go towards the support of our facilities.

All Covid-19 Restrictions Apply

Must Show Proof of Vaccination at all events.

Year in review 2020

River Bourgeois Community Services Society


In 2019 The Society had a super year, especially with the Chase the Ace fundraiser. Everyone did a great job and a lot of extra work, including participating and helping out with other events.

In 2020 we started off with much enthusiasm, however by March the whole country was shut down due to epidemic Covid-19. In July we were approached by Future Worx who desperately needed a place to train LPN for the next 12 months. The rent helped us pay a good portion of our expenses.


RBCSS AGM Minutes 2020

River Bourgeois Community Services Society

Annual General Meeting

November 23, 2020

Attendance: Rose Merrick, Mark Merrick, Tanya Burke, June Bourque, Carolyn Fougere, Sharon Chilvers, Connie Stewart, Marc Touesnard, Paul Martell, Wayne Bona, Donnie Potties and Kathy Groves (via telephone).

The annual general meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Rose Merrick, at 719 pm.

Mark Merrick moved the approval of the agenda seconded by Sharon Chilvers. Motion carried.

Connie Stewart moved the approval of the last AGM meeting, seconded by Paul Martell. Motion carried.

There was no business arising that wasn’t already dealt with during the year.


a/ Snow ploughing quote from Carl Grimes – Moved by Sharon Chilvers and seconded by Carolyn Fougere that we approved the cost at $185.00 per each snow ploughing, as needed. Motion carried.

b/ Snow shoveling of steps – Moved by Mark Merrick, seconded by Marc Touesnard that Michael Sampson be paid minimum wage to shovel the steps, when needed. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Kathy Groves provided a copy of her report.

There was a closing balance -$30,423. It was moved by June Bourque, seconded by Mark Merrrick, to accept the report. Motion carried.

Other Annual Reports:

Chairperson – Rose Merrick presented a verbal report stating that the Society had a super year, especially with the Chase the Ace fund raiser. Everyone did a great job and a lot of extra work, including participating and helping out with other events. Her report was accepted on a motion by Sharon Chilvers, seconded by Carolyn Fougere. Motion carried.

Property Services – Ricky Stone provided a written report on the work of this committee:

Maintenance Report:

1) Landry Bros. installed a new oil tank.

2) Valley Refrigeration came back to update all the heat pumps and do any repairs.

3) Water test was done by the inspector and everything was OK

4) Fire Marshal came in and gave a list of improvements to be made

5) Paul and I addressed these improvements, she returned and said she had no concerns but had a couple of recommendations. They were to install two directional exit signs in the kitchen and to maintain a log for maintenance on fire extinguishers and door closures(anything else that may need maintenance)6) Summer student did his normal duties(painting, repairs to garbage boxes, decks etc, mowing and anything asked of him. He did very well

7) A couple of things that have to be done soon:

-adjustment on door closure in furnace room

-directional signs in kitchen

-water tests

-tennis court have to come down

garbage box at the rear of the building needs repairs or to be replaced

8) Paul will be taking over as the lead contact for property services and I will help him if he needs it at any time that I can. Ricky Stone

Property Service report approval moved by Sharon Chilvers, seconded by Carolyn Fougere. Motion carried.

Festival Events and Fundraising report: Provided by Sharon Chilvers

Annual Meeting-October 28th, 2020

We began with the continuation of the 2018 Chase the Ace and made $89,525., each for the hall and Youth, less the expenses of the tickets and misc. items. We managed to hold on to the Ace until the final card.

The Cafe was also held each week and made a profit of $15,348.  Much work went into these projects and thanks to all who helped.

We immediately went into the Festival and although we scaled down this year for the “lack of energy” we still made a profit of $10,000. An additional $5378. was made from events such as Trivia Nights, three meal caterings and Winterlude dinner.

Non-profit events were also held such as Canada Day, Community Christmas Celebration and Christmas Baskets.

It was a great rewarding year also a bit tiring but thanks to everyone, our financial situation at year end was great.

Sharon and Rose.

New Business:

Nominating Committee: Election of offices and Board Members for 2021


President – Rose Merrick

Vice President – vacant

Treasurer – Kathy Groves

Secretary – vacant

Past President – Sharon Chilvers

Board Members:

Wayne Bona – Chair Tara Lynne Bursary

Sharon Chilvers – Chair Festival/fundraising Committee

Paul Martell – Chair Property Services

Ricky Stone – Property Services

June Bourque – Chair of Bar

Heidi LeRoux – Chair Youth Development Committee

Members At Large:

Marc Touesnard

Tanya Burke

Carolyn Fougere

Connie Stewart

Donna Babin

Due to the uncertainty of Covid-19, the next AGM will be decided at a later date.

The meeting was adjourned by the Chairperson, Rose Merrick at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Wayne Bona, Interim Secretary

Seniors 50+ AGM minutes 2021

31 Members present

  1. President Anne Sampson opened the meeting 1:00 pm
  2. League prayer read by Sharon Chilvers
  3. Minutes of the last annual meeting “2018” (no meeting was held in 2019) read by Sharon Chilvers (Secretary Donna Babin absent due to illness). Moved by Sharon Chilvers 2nd by John Digout, Motion carried.
  4. Treasurer Report for “2020” read by Sharon. Starting balance $2295.53 from 2019, ending balance $3172.80. Increase due to the sale of the furnace and kitchen cupboards. Due to the Covid-19 virus, no activity after March. Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Kim Henebry, Motion carried.
  5. President Anne Sampson’s report: Anne reported of changes in the building the past year. Building converted to electricity from oil due to cost. Cost paid by RBCSS (own the building), old furnace sold and also cupboard from the kitchen which is being transferred to gym storage, janitor dismissed because of Covid-19, phone cancelled, and only maintained minimum heat. Thanks to all who helped in keeping the building maintained.

Moment of silence for our deceased members: Jane Landry, Adolph Kehoe, Margaret Pottie, Michael Owens, Mary Bona and Viola Touesnard.

Anne announced her retirement after 26 years as President and was grateful for her sidekick Sharon Chilvers for the last 22 years, Secretary Donna Babin and all the members for their understanding and dedication.

Flowers and gift was presented to Anne and a resounding applause for her dedication.

Nominations done by Wayne Bona:

2021 Executive:

President: John Digout

Secretary: Kim Henebry

Treasurer: Sharon Chilvers

1st Vice: Lucille Boudreau

New Business Suggested that we apply for Solar Panels on the grant from New Horizon for Senior’s

Merchandise Bingo on May 2nd, members asked to assist with prizes.

Present John Digout adjourned the meeting at 1:35


Year in review: 2019

Our Chase the Ace which began on July 1st, 2018 came to an end on August 15th, 2019 with a record of going to the 52nd card before the Ace of Spades was chosen. Final payout for the 52 weeks was accumulative Jackpot of $141,910.00 + the weekly 20% for that week of $26,822.00 giving the winner Jean Pottie of L’ardoise a cheque for $168,732.00. RBCSS and Youth Development each received a total of $110,976.76 after expenses. 

This funding assisted us on day to day operation, pay off our Heat Pumps and do some much needed repairs in the hall and the rest of the complex. Several other projects have been postponed until 2020.

Our weekly Café continues to be a big hit each week. It was in operation from January to mid-August.

Our 41st annual Festival saw the addition of a successful Dinner Theatre. Festival numbers were down from previous years but the success of the Chase the Ace ending just two weeks prior was most likely a factor.

We catered to the 150 Anniversary of St. John the Baptist Church celebration along with two meals for the Catholic Woman’s League. 

Celebrations were held on Canada Day and our Annual Community Christmas

Three Trivia and Pub Nights were held along with three Concerts 

The 3rd Annual Winterlude dinner was held in December with entertainment following. 

It was a very busy year and so many of these events could not have happened without the huge support of the community.

Thank you to everyone

RBCSS Board of directors.

RB Seniors 50+ Club 2019 AGM Minutes

River Bourgeois Seniors 50+ Club  

Annual General Meeting  

April 23, 2019 



Number of members in attendance: 20 members 


President Anne Sampson called the meeting to order at: 12:03 pm 


The League Prayer was read by: Donna Babin 


The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting which took place on April 10, 2018, were read by Donna Babin, moved by Donna Babin, 2nd by Jerry Fougere, Motion carried 


Business arising from the last meeting: 

-New Horizon Grant: 

The electrician (V & L Electric), noted that the electrical panel was fine, an upgrade to a new one would require additional permits and costs. Instead we opted to apply for the grant to cover new chairs and a new floor. 

Hazel painted the baseboards and electrical outlets to match the floors and chairs. 

The old chairs are for sale at $10. /chair if anyone one wants one. 


The Treasurer’s Report was read by: Sharon Chilvers. There was a closing balance of:   $3138.03. 

Treasurer’s report was moved by Sharon Chilvers, 2nd by Susan Boudreau. Motion carried. 


President’s Report: 

2018/2019 Presidents Report 

At this time, it is necessary to thank all those who work so hard year after year in making the club a success. To our secretary, Donna and our Treasurer Sharon for their continuous dedication to the club. Thanks to Danny and Kenneth for keeping our building in good repair, Glyn for keeping the pot holes in the driveway filled, and Emily who sends get well and sympathy cards. 

Weekly cribbage games continue, Music is now done twice a month, Tock games are monthly and our gym usage continues to grow. 

I we could have a moment of silence for our deceased members: Cathy Aikens, Joe Boucher, Ingrid Boutilier, and Gerry Casey.  

We received a $4300. Grant from New Horizon for equipment replacements for our gym. This year we received $10,000. To replace our floor and chairs. Thanks to Glenn, Hazel, Kenneth, Danny and Glyn for installing the floor and new baseboards and Hazel for doing the painting.   

On behalf of the club, I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of this organization. 


Nominations for Executives: 

President: Anne Sampson 

Secretary: Donna Babin 

Treasurer: Sharon Chilvers 

1st Vice: Lucile Boudreau 

2nd Vice: none 

Maintenance: Kenneth LeBlanc & Danny Landry 

Grounds: Glyn Chilvers 

Cards: Emily LeBlanc  

New Business: 

-New Horizons grant: 

Applications go in every May. We are going to put the next application in for, expanding the gym by getting rid of the kitchen downstairs and get new music equipment.  

Kitchen reno: Potential for a buyer for the kitchen cupboards.  

The renovation will require removal of the current electrical and plumbing left behind after the kitchen is removed and extend the flooring. 

The work required would be within the funds of the grant. 

Previous repairs have been done by New Horizon with no objections. 


Sharon Chilvers made a Motion to apply for this year’s New Horizon Grant to purchase more music equipment and the renovation costs to remove and repair the kitchen downstairs including the removal of the electrical and plumbing which will no longer be required and the extension and repair of the flooring after the cabinets have been removed. 

Sharon Chilvers moved her motion, 2nd by Susan Boudreau, motion carried. 

 President Anne Sampson adjourned the meeting at: 12:32 pm 2nd by: Sylvia Allan 

RBCSS 2019 AGM Minutes

RBCSS Annual General Minutes – Mar 24/2019 

 In attendance: Rose Merrick, Donna Babin, Sharon Chilvers, Wayne Bona, Glenn Pottie, Kathy Groves, Ricky Stone, Heidi LeRoux, Carolyn Fougere, Marc Touesnard 

Guest: Hazel Pottie 

Absent with regrets:  Connie Stewart, Tanya Burke, Paul Martell 


Call to order: Rose Merrick called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm 

Approval of Agenda:  Kathy moved the agenda, 2nd by Glenn, so moved 

Approval of the minutes: (AGM 03/27/2018) Sharon moved the agenda, 2nd by Ricky, so moved 

 Business Arising from AGM March 27/2018:  

-Land parcel: find out what part of the ball field behind the cenotaph that we own. Check the dead and check with Ray MacRae or Kevin? Also check with the municipality. 

-Send a letter to the county to ask that the old unsightly fencing around the ballfield be taken down. 

_Kathy requests that all invoices for purchases be signed from Home Hardware. A plunger was purchased from Home Hardware and Kathy does not know who it was. 

-Send Burke Brothers Trucking (Bernard Burke) a thank you letter for all the plowing and help with the playground. Glenn suggested a plaque of appreciation. Ricky said he would check into it. 

-Tennis Court: Glenn suggested Pickle Ball. A stencil for the game will cost about $200.To be placed on just one of the courts for Sept to June.  

-We have completed the application of the Provincial Student grant for the Hall. 

-Good Friday: A cod supper. Cost of Cod $200., Hazel will check it out. 


Chairperson’s (Rose Merrick) Annual Report: 

Thank you to all, everyone worked extremely hard.  

It was greatly appreciated.  

Correspondence: none 

Treasurer’s Report:  

Kathy submitted her report: 

We ended the year with a balance of: $18,338.75 

Kathy moved her report, 2nd by Wayne, so moved 

Committee Reports: 


2018 Bar Report 

We had a total of 5 bar events this year 

Total money taken in was:          $ 1890.75 

Total expenses:                            (1152.56) 

Profit:                                               738.19 

There is approximately $500. In remaining inventory. 


(submitted via email) 


Festival/Fundraising/Events 2018 

In 2018 we held the following events: 

January: Trivia Night 

February: 1049 Ticket draw 

March: Cold plate take out dinner 

Chase the Ace and Café Luncheon started April and the Ace went in the end of June and we restarted a new one the following week and it is still going. 

Canada Day fell on a Sunday so we moved the Chase the Ace and Café to that day. 

Festival ran from August 26th to September 2nd. 

November, we had a Trivia Night. 

December “Winterlude” Dinner and Community Celebration. 

Total revenue from these events $61388.06 – $5044.00 (Chase the Ace Jackpot) = $56344.06 

Total expenses $25816.95 

Profit: $30527.11 

Great year and thanks to all who took part in making this happen. 

Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Glenn, so moved 

Property Services/Visitation Parlour:   

Property Services 

It has been a good year! Not to many major expenses, started out with hiring a great worker for the summer (Alex Poaps) 

We had to buy a new bush hog, and lumber to repair decks and bleachers, pretty much everything got newly painted. We also did plumbing, and replaced one of the toilets up at the canteen, also repaired canteen roof. We burned all old wood and brush that was left up at the canteen. 

We hired a worker and had him cut the trees across from the hall making it more visible. Which has been good as being we haven’t seen any vandalism since having it done. 

I was asked to contact a welding company to make and install a rail for up at the funeral parlour, which has been completed! 

Over all the snow plowing went well and didn’t need to many plow jobs. 

Ricky moved his report, 2nd by Kathy, so moved 

Youth Development: 

-Continuing fundraising efforts 

-Current fundraiser is a Gift Card Survivor and proceeds from Chase the Ace 

-Meeting to discuss summer fundraisers coming up 

-Playground installed this summer by Eastern Fencing 

-Bernard provided services for prepping and gravel, donated what he could 

-We were able to fund raise the money to pay off the playground and installation 

-We are currently fundraising for the splash pad. 

-Fundraisers past & current: 

Trivia Nights 

Spaghetti Supper 

Vendor Markets 

Wine Survivor 

Gift Survivor 

Subway Peelers 

Ball field Canteen 

Heidi moved her report, 2nd by Ricky, so moved YDC Report 2018 – year end 

Tara Lynne Bursary:  

There were two bursaries at $200 each 

Wayne moved his report, 2nd by Kathy, so moved 

Nomination Committee/Elected 2019 Board of Directors: 

Chair:                                                      Rose Merrick 

Vice Chair: 

Secretary:                                               Donna Babin 

Treasurer:                                               Kathryn Groves 

Past Chair:                                              Sharon Chilvers 

Property Services/Visitation Parlour:      Ricky Stone/Paul Martell (co-chairs) 

Bar Committee:                                       Glenn Pottie 

Event/Fundraising:                                  Sharon Chilvers/Rose Merrick (co-chairs) 

Youth Development:                                Heidi LeRoux 

Tara Lynn Bursary:                                  Wayne Bona 

 Members at large: 

Carolyn Fougere, Tanya Burke, Connie Stewart, Marc Touesnard 

New Business: 

New members: No new member 

Board members to complete the Membership and confidentiality agreements for 2019. 

Hire someone to do the clearing and yard work, make an itemized list of jobs to be done. Hire the first of April? Specify how long on hire for. 

Next meeting will be: April 24th (4th Wed. Of the month)  

 Adjournment:  President Rose Merrick adjourned the meeting at 7:25pm 
















Year in review 2018

In 2018 River Bourgeois Community Services Society accomplishments:

The Youth Committee saw the installation of their new children’s playground. Thanks to the Municipality of Richmond for the $7500. grant. They also continue in their quest to raise funds towards the splash pad.

The 40th Annual Festival celebrated their “Ruby Jubilee” anniversary. Net income was  $11798.95.

Tara Lynne Bursaries were awarded to Jaden Bona and Emily O’Brian.

Chase the Ace and the Cafe’ began in April and is continuing. The Ace was drawn in July, so we started again the following week. The current jackpot is now $4800. plus. The profits from this successful project has enabled RBCSS to pay our day to day operational expenses.

We had several other fundraisers during 2018 including: the Robert Bouchard Concert, Trivia Nights, Cold Plate takeout, and our Winterlude dinner.

Summer Student Grants from the Provincial and Federal Government allowed us to hire Emilee Poaps as our Festival Co-ordinator and Alexander Poaps as our Property Caretaker.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

From the Board of River Bourgeois Community Services Society