RB Senior’s 50+ Club 2018 Annual Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes April 10/2018 

Attendance. There were 30 members in attendance 

 President Anne Sampson called the meeting to order at 12:25 pm 

 The League Prayer was read by Donna Babin 

 The minutes of the last annual meeting of April 4, 2017 was read by Donna Babin. 

Donna moved the minutes, 2nd by Jerry Fougere, so moved. 

Business arising from the last annual meeting: There was no business arising. 

The Treasurer’s report was read by Sharon Chilvers. There was a closing balance of $6001.63. Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Norma MacNeil. so moved. 

Nominations for the Executives: 

President:  Anne Sampson

Secretary:  Donna Babin 

Treasurer:  Sharon Chilvers 

1st Vice:     

2nd Vice:    

Maintenance:  Danny Landry and Kenneth LeBlanc 

Grounds:        Glyn Chilvers 

Cards:            Emily LeBlanc 

 Winner of the half and half ticket of $48. was Norma MacNeil 

 New Business:  

There will be a Merchandise Bingo on April 15th, we need member to make donations of 3 pies and 5 different cookies 

Next year we will be applying for the New Horizon grant for an electrical upgrade to catch up with the new fitness equipment. 

Anne Sampson was a recipient of the Provincial Volunteer Award 

 President’s Report: 

2017 River Bourgeois Seniors Club President’s Report 

At this time, it is necessary to thank all those who work so hard year after year in making the club a success. To our secretary Donna and treasurer Sharon for their continuous dedication to the club. Thanks to Danny and Kenneth for keeping our building in good repair, Glyn for keeping the pot holes in the driveway filled, and Emily who sends get well and sympathy cards. 

We held two Merchandise Bingos besides our regular weekly cribbage game. We are doing monthly TOCK games and also doing Mexican Train Domino’s games, the club and community member enjoyed the Chinese Christmas dinner. Donna Babin represented our club last year and Anne Sampson will be this year’s representative. 

We have 93 members now, but sadly since the last meeting we lost 4 members, Dave Clow, Vera Sampson, Joe Sampson and George St Louis. If we could have a moment of silence. 

Our heat pumps were installed and we have reeked the benefits. We received a $4300. Grant from New Horizon for equipment replacements for the gym. An incumbent bike has been purchased so all of you with new knees and hips can use. A rowing machine, balance balls and bands are now on route. Thanks to Glenn and Hazel who removed all of the obsolete and dangerous equipment and also doing much needed great spring cleaning downstairs. 

On behalf of the club I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of this great organization. 


President Anne Sampson adjourned the meeting at 12:45 pm 


RBCSS 2018 AGM Minutes

RBCSS AGM Minutes March 28, 2018 

In attendance:  Rose Merrick, Donna Babin, Kathryn Groves, Sharon Chilvers, Glenn Pottie, Tanya Burke, Connie Stewart, Paul Martell, Marc Touesnard and Hazel Pottie. 

Absent with regrets:  Carolyn Fougere (away), Wayne Bona (Family), Ricky Stone (ill) 

Absent: Heidi LeRoux, Donnie Pottie 

Call to order: Rose called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm 

Approval of Agenda:  Sharon moved the agenda, 2nd by Kathryn, so moved 

Approval of the minutes: (AGM March 22/2017) Glenn moved the approval of the minutes, 2nd by Tanya, so moved. 

Business Arising from AGM March 22/2017: There was now business arising from our last annual meeting. 

Chairpersons (Rose Merrick) Annual report: 

Thanks to everyone for making 2017 yet another successful year. I will let each chairperson give you the details in their report. 

Heat pumps were a major issue resulting in heating expenses to be very high. It is somewhat resolved. 

As part of the Canada 150 project part two was the resurfacing of the Tennis Courts. Sharon will give details on her report. As a result of the courts expense, much of our fundraising went to subsidize this project. We need to curb any major project until we are back to where we were financially. 

Funeral Home name was changed on the sign to read “Visitation Parlour” Thanks to Boudreau Funeral Home for doing it no charge and for Albert Burke taking care of the maintenance. 

Our Chase the Ace and Café’ lasted from April 2nd to September. Lots of hard work goes into these projects and thanks to all who help each week. We can always use more volunteers. 

We were once again fortunate to have two students with us again for 8 and 10 weeks respectively. 

In closing, I wish a successful year in 2018 and many thanks to the Board of directors and committee chairs for their dedication and I welcome you all back. 


CorrespondenceWe received our Food Handling Sticker 

Treasurer’s Report:  

Kathy submitted her report: 

We ended the year with a balance of:  ($9228.87) 

Kathy moved her report, 2nd by Connie, so moved 

Committee Reports: 

Bar: (emailed in) 

Feb 4-Trivia Night          Expense:   $144.46          Money taken in:     $309.00 

Jun 17-Trivia night                             413.44                                          464.00 

Jul 15-Wedding                                 803.34                                         1032.00

Jul 22-Dance                                     434.73                                           401.00

Aug 3-Anniversary Party                     00.00                                           358.00

Aug 5-Wedding                                  392.33                                        1295.00

Aug.12-Anniversary Party                  451.58                                          635.50 

Aug.26-Pub Night                             1246.92                                          203.75 

Sept 1-Trivia Night                                62.30                                          603.00 

Sept 2-Festival dance                         310.58                                        1264.00 

Dec.2-Trivia Night                               147.63                                          511.50 

Totals:                                                $4580.99                                       $7774.75 

Remaining Inventory: $500.00  

Submitted by Glenn (via email) 



Canada 150 part two Project the “Tennis Court”. Cost of the Tennis Courts far exceeded our original expectation as a result of an error on the application and then the receiving of only 50% of the government funding instead of 75%. We received a lot of funding from the community but still had a shortfall of $22,000.00 of the total cost of $52,000.00. Much of our fundraising in 2017 went to cover the difference. On the positive side, we have a wonderful tennis courts for many years to come. 

We restarted our Chase the Ace in April and had two runs of it. One went after 12 cards and one after 13 cards. We had a profit but not as much as expected but those are the chances we have to take Revenue $7000.00. Meanwhile our Café’ that was opened at the same time did very well. Revenue $10,625.00. 

We held our Trivia Nights during the year that were successful. 

Our Canada Day Celebrations was successful as usual and well attended. The 39th Annual Festival was well attended and with a profit of $10,905.00. 

The Haunted House was cancelled this year due to exhausted workers. 

We decided instead to hold a “Winterlude Dinner” which far exceeded our expectations. We had exceptional help from our youth and the event was a huge hit. 

The year ended with our usual Community Christmas Celebration to thank our patrons for their assistance throughout the year. 

To a much better year in 2018. Thanks to your support. 

Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Glenn, so moved  

Property Services/Visitation Parlour: Not available  

Youth Development: Not available  

Tara Lynne Bursary: The recipients of this year’s Bursary’s are: Emilie Poaps & Aiden Samson  

Nomination Committee/Elected 2018 Board of Directors: 

Chair: Rose Merrick 

Vice Chair: none 

Secretary: Donna Babin 

Treasurer: Kathryn Groves 

Past Chair: Sharon Chilvers 

Property Services/Visitation Parlour: Ricky Stone 

Bar Committee: Glenn Pottie 

Event/Fundraising: Rose Merrick/Sharon Chilvers 

Youth Development: Heidi LeRoux 

Tara Lynn Bursary: Wayne Bona  

Members at large:

Tanya Burke

Carolyn Fougere

Paul Martell

Connie Stewart

Marc Touesnard

New Business: 

New members: Sharon moved the addition of two new board members, Paul Martell & Marc Touesnard, 2nd by Glenn, so moved 

The board has welcomes our new members.  

Next meeting will be: April 25th (4th Wed. Of the month)   

AdjournmentPresident Rose Merrick adjourned the meeting at 7:25 pm 

Year In Review: 2017

Events and Fundraising:

We had three Trivia Nights, Pub Night, July 1st, Winterlude Dinner and Community Celebrations.

We began a “Lotto 10/49 Fundraiser” on December 9th. We have netted $510.00.

We had two Chase the Ace this year. One from April to June and one from July to October. and netted $3596.02. (The Youth Development Committee netted and equal amount)

The Bourgeois Cafe’ ran for the same period as the Chase the Ace and netted $10,625.20.

The 39th Annual River Bourgeois Festival netted $10,905.07.


The Tennis Courts were totally revamped. This was part two of the Canada 150 projects. The Parking Lot was given a much needed gravel uplift, along with the property around the courts and Hall.

The Youth Development Committee (who are under the umbrella of RBCSS’s but run completely independent) did some major fund raising. They purchased new playground equipment which arrived in November and will be installed in the spring. They continue to raise funds to eventually install a splash pad.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

from the Board of River Bourgeois Community Services Society

RBCSS Board of Directors: President Rose Merrick, Secretary Donna Babin, Treasurer Kathryn Groves, Past President Sharon Chilvers, Wayne Bona, Mike Fougere, Glenn Pottie, Ricky Stone, Connie Stewart, Carolyn Fougere, Heidi Leroux, Tanya Burke


RBCSS 2017 AGM Minutes

RBCSS 2017 Annual General Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Rose Merrick, Donna Babin, Kathryn Groves, Sharon Chilvers, Wayne Bona, Ricky Stone, Mike Fougere, Carolyn Fougere, Tanya Burke, Connie Stewart

Absent with regrets: Glenn

Absent: Heidi, Donny

Resigned membership: Theresa Sampson

Call to Order: Rose called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

Approval of Agenda: Sharon moved the agenda, 2nd by Carolyn, so moved

Approval of Minutes: AGM March 23/2016: Ricky moved the minutes, 2nd by Mike, so moved

Business arising from AGM March 23/2016:

Canada 150: The grant received for the split cost of the coolers and tennis court.

The cost for the Tennis court repairs and upgrade were much more than originally thought.

We need: $ 47,000.

We have: $ 26,000.      (in total grants)

Remainder needed:     $ 21,000.

An application for funding through the Port Hawkesbury Paper Mill to be submitted.

Also Nova Scotia Power

RBCSS has also received $350. In donations.

Fundraising Initiative:

Sharon proposed that we send out a flyer with a photographic description of our complex and it’s facilities in order to request donations from towards the “Community Complex” project. This includes two phases, 1/the Resurfacing of the tennis courts, revamping the children’s playground to comply with safety standards. 2/the addition of a children’s splash pad.

Donations of $50. Or more will get their name on a plaque. Donations will receive a tax receipt.

The board agreed to go ahead with the flyer.

Stairway to attic: Rick received a quote of $730.00 plus tax. To install a permanent, non-moveable staircase made out of aluminum metal, with handrails to the attic inside the hall.


Ricky Stone motioned that we have the permanent aluminum metal staircase with handrails installed for the access to the Hall attic at the quoted cost of $730.00 plus tax. The board voted and the motion was approved. The motion was seconded by Mike Fougere, the motion was carried.

Fire rating: Mike noted that the “Fire rating” for the hall has not been addressed in years

There are tiles for the ceiling in the attic that have been there for the past 3 or 4 years that have never been install, are we going to use the material in the attic, it was very expensive, or are we going to sell it? More discussion required.

Theresa Sampson has resigned from the board.

Chairpersons (Rose Merrick) Annual Report – highlights:

President’s Report for 2016 Annual Meeting

Thanks to everyone for making 2016 yet another successful year. I will let each chairperson give you the details in their report.

Heat pumps were installed at the Tara Lynne Centre.

As part one of the Canada 150 project, we were able to get two energy efficient food and drink coolers installed (upstairs and downstairs). Part two will be the resurfacing of the Tennis Courts.

Name change for the Funeral Home was required by Service Nova Scotia and is still in process until it can be completed in the spring.

Our big success has been our Chase the Ace and Café that lasted from April 2nd to September. Lots of hard work goes into these projects and thanks to all who help each week.

In closing, I wish another successful year and welcome you all back.


Wayne moved the President’s report, 2nd by Sharon, motion carried.

Correspondence: No correspondence

Treasurer’s Report:  Kathy submitted her report and added that the electric bills were extrodantly high due to the new heat pumps.

We ended the year with a balance of $ 14,224.16.

Kathy moved her report, 2nd by Mike, motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Bar: No report submitted, Glenn was away.


Festival Fundraiser and Events of 2016

Three Trivia Nights, a Pub Night, July 1st Celebrations and the Haunted House. Chase the Ace ran from April to September with a net profit to RBCSS of $8691.56. The Café also opened during the same period as Chase the Ace and netted $9767.01.

The 38th Annual Festival netted a profit of $17,130.07.

Also we had our 12th Annual Community Christmas celebration.

Thanks to all who assisted in any way.

Sharon and Rose.

Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Ricky, motion carried.

Visitation Parlour: No report submitted, Albert is to give reports to Ricky,

Property Services: Report submitted via email by Mike Fougere

In 2016 we  received a few grants  one was to replace 2 of our older food quality coolers, the one upstairs in the bar area and the second in the kitchen. When the coolers arrived I found some helpers to carry the cooler over the counter and outside, and the downstairs cooler went out side .
One coolers was brought to Bernard Sampson for junk, the downstairs cooler was taken by Carl Grimes for the Mariners Society. The second part of the grant The Tennis courts will be addresses 2017.

We moved the cabinet that we thought we could use for display downstairs into the old CAP site room.

Bids for heat pumps were accept by 3 different groups and the winner was Ken’s appliance under the name of General electric. The work was not completed until after the River days and hopes are we will use this new source of cooling and heating  along with our furnace to get the best value for our dollar.

The deck and the area we use for bar-b-q ing was rebuilt and painted, some of the bleachers are getting old and board were replaced and painted.
The brush was cut down to clear an area of 10-20 feet around the tennis court, and the brush is piled on the hilltop behind  the canteen for burning.
The large slide was dismantled and some new swing seats were put up.
Our summer worker outside was great, did all he was told to do and more.
The drain pipe for the weeping tile had popped out of the ground so Bernard Burke was called into ditch it  place.
By November, I asked Rick Stone to replace me as Property services manager , he accepts and took the position solo by the end of Dec 2016.

Tara Lynne Bursary 

Tara Lynne Bursary

Recipients this year were Brenna Martell of St Peters and Michael Stone of River Bourgeois.

We have approx. $4800. Left in the account so we’re still good for 5 years.


Each recipient received $500.

Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Mike. Motion carried.

Youth Development Coordinator: No report submitted for 2016

Nominating Committee / Elected 2017 Board of Directors:

Chair:                          Rose Merrick

Vice Chair:  

Secretary:                   Donna Babin

Treasurer:                   Kathryn Groves

Past Chair:                  Sharon Chilvers

Property Services:     Ricky Stone

Bar Committee:          Glenn Pottie accepted (2/22/2017) carried

Event/Fundraising:    Rose Merrick / Sharon Chilvers

Tara Lynne Bursary:  Wayne Bona 

Visitation Parlour:      (Albert Burke reporting to Ricky stone)

Youth Development Coordinator:    Heidi Leroux


New Business: Board members to complete membership papers for 2017

Next Regular meeting: April 26, 2017 @ 6:30 pm (4th Wed of the month)

Adjournment: President Rose Merrick adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm

RB Senior’s 50+ Club 2017 AGM Minutes

River Bourgeois Senior’s Club

Annual Minutes – April 4, 2017

There were 36 members in attendance

President Anne Sampson called the meeting to order at 12:35 pm.

The League Prayer was read by Donna Babin.

The minutes of the last annual meeting of April 13, 2016 were read by Donna Babin, Donna moved the minutes, Jerry Fougere 2nd the minutes, motion carried.

There was no business arising from the last meeting.

The Treasurer’s report was read by Sharon Chilvers. There was a closing balance of: $ 9080.42. Sharon moved her report, Danny Landry 2nd the report, motion carried.

President’s Report:

2016 River Bourgeois Senior’s 50+ Club President’s Report.

At this time it is necessary to thank all those who work so hard year after year in making the club a success. Thanks to our Secretary, Donna and our Treasurer, Sharon for their continuous dedication to the club. Thanks to Danny and Kenneth for keeping our building in good repair, and Emily who sends Get Well and Sympathy Cards.

We held two Merchandise Bingo’s besides our regular weekly Cribbage game. The Club and community members enjoyed the monthly music sessions of “The Kitchen Ceilidh” with Edna and Jerry and Friends. We all enjoyed the Chinese Christmas Dinner.

Theresa Sampson represented our Club at the Volunteer Dinner last year and Donna Babin will be this years representative.

We have 128 members now, but sadly since the last meeting we lost 3 members. Therese Pottie, Vera and Anselam Sampson. If we could have a moment of silence.

We received a grant from New Horizons for the heat pump for the main floor, the air conditioner we had will be put in the exercise room downstairs and can be put on as needed.

On behalf of the Club, I want to thank each and everyone of you for being part of this great organization.

Also, a special thank you to Sharon for taking over when I got sick.


Nominations for the Executives:

President:     Anne Sampson

Secretary:     Donna Babin

Treasurer:     Sharon Chilvers

1st Vice:       Carl Grimes

2nd Vice:      Lucille Boudreau

Maintenance:  Danny Landry / Kenneth LeBlanc

Grounds:      Glyn Chilvers

Cards:          Emily LeBlanc

Half and Half: Anne Louise Touesnard won $73.00 on the half and half ticket.

New business: Edna Casey would like to change the name “Edna and Gerry and Friends” to “Kitchen Ceilidh”. There was no objection and the RBCSS website will be updated by Donna to reflect this change.

President Anne adjourns the meeting at 12:53 pm.





Year in review: 2016

Year in review: 2016


We had three Trivia Nights, a Pub Night, July 1st celebrations and the Haunted House.

We also had the Chase the Ace from April to September with a net profit to RBCSS of $8691.56.

The Bourgeois Cafe was also opened during the same period as the Chase the Ace and netted $9767.01.

The 38th Annual Festival netted a profit of $17130.07.


Heat pumps were installed at the Tara Lynne Centre.

Two energy efficient food and drink coolers were installed (upstairs and downstairs)

Upstairs of the Tara Lynne Centre was painted.

Repairs were done on the ball field bleachers and the ball field canteen.


Looking forward to many upcoming events and celebrations for Canada’s 150th!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Board of Directors of The River Bourgeois Community Services Society

RB Senior’s 50+ Club 2016 Annual Minutes

River Bourgeois Seniors 50+ Club – Annual Meeting April 12 2016

52 members present.

President Ann Sampson to open meeting

The League Prayer :Read by Sharon

Minutes from last annual meeting April 13, 2015:Read by Sharon due to Secretary Donna Babin being unable to attend due to illness.2nd by Theresa Sampson Motion carried.

New Business :none

The Treasurer’s report :Moved by Sharon 2nd by Mary Ellen. Motion carried

President’s Report:

2015 River Bourgeois Seniors Club President’s Report

We had some wonderful things happen in 2015 and some major disappointments. First I want to thank everyone for the tribute that was made for me during the Festival. I was so honored that you would do this and even having the building named for me. Sharon I could never thank you enough. I know it was all you’re doing.

We held two merchandise bingos besides our regular 45, cribbage and mini bingo games. The club and community members enjoyed the monthly music sessions with Edna and Gerry and friends. We all enjoyed the Chinese Christmas dinner, Valentine’s Day. Kenneth and Gloria were named King and Queen. Anne Louise represented our club at the volunteer dinner last year and Theresa Sampson will be this year’s representative.

The bad news is that when we started to paint our building it was discovered that there were not only many rotted shingles but the wood beneath was also rotten. The cost was over $10,000 above the grant. We were fortune that we had some funds left over from our chase the Ace and we can thank RBCSS who paid for half of the over cost.

At this time it necessary to thank all those who work so hard year after year in making the club a success. To: my secretary Donna and Treasurer Sharon for their continuous dedication to the club. Thanks to Danny and Kenneth for keeping our building in good repair, Glyn for keeping our grounds always looking good, and Emily who sends get well and sympathy cards.

We have 121 members now but sadly we lost 2 members Therese Digout, Valerie Boyd. If we could have a moment of silence

We fail to get a grant from New Horizons for heat pumps, however we are going to try again this year. We did get $3000 from Positive Aging to pay for our exercise class from April until November, however they would not renew the program for this year.

On behalf of the club I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of this great organization. Anne

Nominations for the Executives: done by Rose Merrick

President :Anne Sampson

Secretary: Donna Babin

Treasurer: Sharon Chilvers

1st Vice: Carl Grimes

2nd Vice :Lucille Boudreau

Maintenance: Danny Landry & Kenneth LeBlanc

Grounds: Glyn Chilvers

Cards: Emily LeBlanc

Discussion period: Emphasis on the fact that the seniors do get 50% of the profit from Chase the Ace each week and anyone who can assist or partake should support the club

President Anne adjourns meeting

RBCSS 2016 Annual Minutes

Annual Meeting 2016 –  March 23, 2016

In attendance: Rose Merrick, Donna Babin, Kathy Groves, Sharon Chilvers, Raymond Doary, Mike Fougere, Carolyn Fougere, Connie Stewart, Donnie Pottie, Tanya Burke and Theresa Sampson.

Absent with regrets: Wayne Bona *, Glenn Pottie*,

Call to Order: 6:35 by Rose

Approval of Agenda: Moved by Sharon, with additions and 2nd by Mike, so carried.

Approval of Minutes: AGM March 25, 2015. Kathy moved the approval of the minutes, 2nd by Connie, so carried.

Business arising: No business arising

Chairperson’s (Rose Merrick) Annual report – Highlights:

Chairperson’s Report 2015

2015 has been a momentous year. We saw the start of Chase the Ace and the opening of our weekly Café at the same time. Also we were given a bonus employee at no cost to RBCSS through Employment Canada. A wish list was made as to what we could achieve with this employee over 11 months. Darin LeBlanc worked for the first three months to be followed by Rita Warner. This enabled us to have many repairs done to the canteen, playground, bleachers, painting inside and the deck, cleaning of the storage room and the upstairs, free moving but the biggest asset was the cooking and cleaning for the café as this enabled some of the board members to take some rest. Once again we were able to employ Christine as our summer student. An asset any organization would be proud to have. We also added other activities which kept all the board members on their toes.

Details of each area will be covered by individual chairperson.

In closing I wish to thank everyone in the community who continue to support us through the year and a special thanks to the Board of Directors for their efforts and dedication. Rose Merrick.

Moved by Rose, 2nd by Kathy so carried.

Correspondence: There was no correspondence

Treasurer’s Report: Kathy moved her report, 2nd by Sharon, so carried.

Committee Reports:

Bar: Glenn absent with regrets, no report submitted


Festival, Events and Fundraising for 2015

We had a very heavy schedule during 2015

We had Trivia Nights in February, March and November. All of which we had an average profit of $400. Each plus the bar sales.

Pup nights in April and October. Both events were low in numbers and with the bar sales a few dollars were made, music was great.

Chase the Ace began on April 11th and ended in October with a profit of $9250.22. Restarted two weeks later before going in December with a profit of only $504.00 It was decided not to restart until late March due to possible heavy cost of plowing, sanding and heating.

The Bourgeois Café was opened weekly from April 11th to December 19th. A profit of $8752.51.

Community Markets began June 20th and were held until September 26th with one Christmas one in November. These were held to assist local vendors, however attendance was low, so we do not plan on continuing these in 2016. Vendors will be invited to sell their wares during our Chase the Ace from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm only.

In May our 5th Annual Earth Day was held.

July 1st celebration included our annual brunch, auction, music, and children’s festivities.

August/September we held our Annual Festival. Many new events were tried and several failed. Our profits were $10,000.00 less than the previous year. We had lots of great things happen but unfortunately the failed ones do not pay the bills. We need to get back to the basics.

In October we had our yearly Haunted House. Success as always.

In December we had our 11th Annual Community Christmas celebration and by far the most successful one with over 200 people in attendance. Was a great idea to hold it on Sunday afternoon.

Respectfully submitted by Sharon & Rose.

Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Connie, so carried

Funeral Home:

Funeral Home Committee Annual Report

March 23, 2016

Since the last annual report on the operation of the funeral home, a year ago, the following has occurred:

  1. The grounds have been maintained on a regular basis.
  2. The interior of the building continues to be cleaned by Marie & Conrad Fougere.
  3. The viewing rooms have been renovated. New carpet and curtains were added. The walls were repainted. New ceiling fans were installed and new decorations were added to enhance the décor.
  4. New furniture was acquired for the sitting room.

Looking to the future:

  1. The next major expenditure on the funeral home will be the replacement of the wooden windows which were installed over twenty years ago.
  2. Modification will be made to the landscape. Example: The removal of the dying cedars at the front of the funeral home.

At this time, on behalf of the Funeral Home Committee, I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the operation of the funeral home over the past twelve months.

R Doary

Chair, RBFHC

Moved by Raymond, 2nd by Carolyn so carried

Property Services:

Mike had nothing to report

Tara Lynne Bursary:

Wayne absent with regrets, no report

Nominating Committee / Elected 2016 Board of Directors:

Chair:                     Rose Merrick  –  accepted

Vice Chair:             none

Secretary:              Donna Babin – accepted

Treasurer:              Kathryn Groves – accepted

Past Chair:             Sharon Chilvers – accepted

Property Services: Michael Fougere – accepted

Bar:                        Glenn Pottie – accepted via email

Event/Fundraising: Rose Merrick & Sharon Chilvers – accepted

Tara Lynne Bursary: Wayne Bona

Funeral Home:        Raymond Doary – accepted


New Business:


Community Facilities Improvement Program Grant.

CFIP will pay up to 75% and the organization must pay 10%.

Quotes on the 7 heat pumps ( upstairs,, 3 downstairs) came in at $42,717. $5700.00 from Gilbert/County infrastructure fund. The average savings is 60% of the heating and cooling costs.


Sharon Chilvers made a motion that RBCSS pay our portion of the CFIP which is approximately $5000.00 out of the $42,717.00. Seconded by Theresa Sampson motion carried.


Signage authority solution

One solution had been discussed to have the Secretary, Donna Babin, given signing authority in order to pay bills on-line. This is to be discussed further to see if it fits with the by-laws.


Canada 150 Grant:

The Canada 150 Grant is for 2 Coolers(pop & food) and redoing the tennis court. The quoted amounts for 2 coolers and the tennis courts is $39,916.70. Canada 150 Grant to pay 50 cents on the dollar.


Bags: we are looking at purchasing 100 cloth bags with a photo of River Bourgeois, 2 colours red/blue. Selling at $5.00 per bag, making a profit of $2.00 each.


Retired Teachers organization:

Want to put envelopes in the funeral home for donations



To be transferred to RBCSS. There is a plan on display in the capsite for the ballfield and completion of the cenotaph..


Next Meeting: April 27, 2016 @ 6:30 pm (4th Wed of the month)

Adjournment: at 7:30 pm by Rose





RBCSS Annual Meeting March 25th, 2015

River Bourgeois Community Services Society Annual General Meeting Minutes March 25, 2015

Attendance:  Rose Merrick, Sharon Chilvers, Connie Stewart, Debra Burke, Tanya Burke, Carolyn Fougere, Raymond Doary, Donna Babin, Theresa Sampson, Wayne Bona, Kathryn Groves, Glenn Pottie.

Call to order: Rose Merrick called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Agenda: Donna Babin moved the acceptance of the agenda. Carolyn Fougere seconded, Motion carried.

Minutes from March 25, 2014 Annual General Meeting: Sharon Chilvers moved the acceptance of the minutes, Tanya Burke seconded. Motion carried.

Business arising from March 25, 2014 Annual General Meeting: Nothing noted.

Correspondence: Thank you card from East Richmond Education Centre for the donations of the children’s shirts.

Chairperson’s (Rose Merrick) Annual Report – highlights Include: Rose thanked all the members of the Board of Directors for all of their work during the past year. It was a great year with many new projects. Thanks to the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments for their grants to assist in these projects.

Treasurer’s Annual Report: Annual minutes were approved at the January meeting due to change in the Treasurer. A copy will be supplied at the next regular meeting.

Bar’s Annual Report: No report was presented.

Festival, Entertainment and Fundraising Annual Report: The Committee organized the following: Festival celebrating our 300 th Birthday. It was the most successful festival ever with a net profit of $ 23,019. Fundraising events included: Merchandise Bingo, a Haunted House, Canada Day celebrations and the Memory Tree. Total profit from these functions was $ 6229. We also had our annual Christmas Celebration and the 4 th Annual Earth Day. Many thanks to all who assisted in making these events so successful. Sharon Chilvers moved her report, 2nd by Theresa Sampson. Motion carried.

Property Services Annual Report: Raymond Doary reported the many projects that took place at the Funeral Home including: new lights in the foyer, air conditioner, water filtration system, landscaping and new lighting for the parking lot. He thanked Marie and Conrad for the cleaning and Burke Bros. for the plowing and sanding at no charge. Raymond moved his report, it was 2nd by Kathryn Groves. Motion carried.

Nominating Committee: Sharon Chilvers did the Nominations as follows:

Chair:                     Rose Merrick

Vice Chair:             no one to fill this position at this time.

Secretary:              Donna Babin *

Treasurer:              Debra Burke

Past Chair:             none

Property Services: no one to fill this position at this time

Bar Committee:       no one to fill this position at this time

Event/Fundraising:  Rose Merrick/Sharon Chilvers

Board of Directors:  Members at Large:

Sharon Chilvers, Theresa Sampson, Connie Stewart, Kathryn Groves, Debra Burke, Tanya Burke, Carolyn Fougere, Donna Babin, Raymond Doary, Wayne Bona and Glenn Pottie.

Rose Merrick welcomed everyone to the 2015 River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.

New Business:

1/ Moved by Theresa Sampson that RBCSS move forward in the hiring of an individual to work for the next several months on the Lampss (Federal Unemployment Program) at no cost to RBCSS. 2nd by Glenn Pottie. Motion carried.

2/ Moved by Wayne Bona that we start the Chase the Ace fundraiser with the sum of $500.00. 2nd by Carolyn Fougere. Motion carried.

3/ Moved by Sharon Chilvers that Debra Burke purchase Microsoft software for the RBCSS computer, 2nd by Donna Babin. Motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned by Rose Merrick at 7:20 pm.




RBCSS Annual Meeting March 25th, 2014

River Bourgeois Community Services Society

Annual Meeting March 25th 2014


Attendance: Rose Merrick, Sherry Baccardax, Tina Coleman, Sharon Chilvers, Mike Fougere, Valarie Fougere, Tanya Stone, Connie Stewart, Debbie Burke, Tanya Burke, Carolyn Fougere, Raymond Doary, Donna Babin.
Regrets: Theresa Sampson (middle of residence move), Frances St Louis (working).
Absent: Danielle Sampson, Adrian Fraser, Colin MacNeil and Wayne Bona (no reply to my e-mail)

Call to Order: Rose Merrick called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

Agenda: Sharon Chilvers moved the acceptance of the Agenda. Mike Fougere seconded. Motion carried.

Minutes from March 27, 2013 Annual General Meeting: Sherry Baccardax moved the acceptance of the minutes. Valarie Fougere seconded. Motion carried.

Business arising from March 27, 2013 Annual Meeting: Nothing noted.

Correspondence: a) Newsletter from the Strait Hospital Foundation – info only. b) Resignation letter from Mike Fougere effective July 1st, resigning as janitor of the Tara Lynn Centre. The Board Members accept with regret.

Chairpersons (Rose Merrick) Annual Report – highlights include: Completed 35th Annual Festival Fundraising was very profitable this year. With grants from ECBC, and Municipality of Richmond, we were able to complete many much needed repairs and improvements to the buildings and grounds which will be covered in greater depth under Property Services. One festival summer student was hired through a grant from the Federal Government. Thanks also to our Board of Directors for their dedication this past year and to our many volunteers. Sherry Baccardax moved Rose Merricks’s report, 2nd by Sharon Chilvers. Motion carried.

Treasurers: Sherry Baccardax presented & moved her report, 2nd by Valarie Fougere. Motion carried.
Tina Coleman moved, that in the future, the members review the financials prior to the start of the meeting so that Sherry does not have to go over the entire Balance Sheet & Income Statements during the meeting. If there is any issue, it can be brought up before Sherry moves her report, 2nd by Sharon Chilvers. Motion carried.

Bar: No report, Danielle Sampson was absent from the meeting.

Festival: The Festival was again very successful realizing a profit of $ 19,079.10. Several board members joined the committee along with 2 young volunteers – Jillian and Ariel. Sharon Chilvers moved her report, 2nd by Tina Coleman. Motion carried.

Entertainment and Fundraising: The Event & Fundraising Committee organized the following yearly festival, 2 brunches, 2 merchandise bingos, a haunted house, a trivia & pub night, Earth Day, pot luck supper and Canada Day celebrations.The community Christmas celebration was well attended and our Memory Tree, which took place at St John the Baptist Church, was again very well received. Sharon Chilvers moved her report, 2nd by Debra Burke. Motion carried.

Property Services: Raymond Doary reported the many projects that took place at the Funeral Home: grounds maintained on a regular basis, landscaping, water problem finally solved in December, preparations taken for the installation of an air conditioner, and arrangements for new lights. Mike Fougere reported that several projects at the Hall and grounds were completed this past year. Raymond and Mike moved their reports, 2nd by Tina Coleman. Motion carried.

Nomination Committee: There was no committee this year.

Elected 2014 Board of Directors:
Chair: Rose Merrick
Vice Chair: no one to fill this position at this time
Secretary: Tina Coleman
Treasurer: Sherry Baccardax
Past Chair: none
Property Service: none
Bar Committee: Danielle Sampson
Event/Fundraising: Sharon Chilvers
Board of Directors Members at Large:
Sharon Chilvers, Theresa Sampson, Connie Stewart, Tanya Stone, Debra Burke, Tanya Burke, Carolyn Fougere, Donna Babin, Raymond Doary, Wayne Bona and Danielle Sampson.

Rose Merrick welcomed everyone to the 2014 River Bourgeois Community Services Society Board of Directors.

New Business: A bi-weekly market will be established at the Hall starting June 14, 2014 and the community clean up will be held in conjunction with “Clean Up Nova Scotia”.

Meeting adjourned by Rose Merrick at 7:18 pm.