River Bourgeois Mariners Society

DocksHistory:  The members of the River Bourgeois Community Service Society & the River Bourgeois Economic Development Committee originally spearheaded and managed the marina project.  In May 2008 they decided to form a new organization named the River Bourgeois Mariner Society for the purposes of managing the marina facility.  In the spring of 2012, the R.B. Mariner Society obtained charitable status.

Mandate:  The Mariner Society’s purpose is to provide and maintain a docking and launching area for the benefit of River Bourgeois.


PresidentCarl Grimes
Vice-PresidentPeter Baccardax
TreasurerSherry Baccardax
SecretarySherry Baccardax

Membership:  Annual rate is $10.00, which means a savings for you in your yearly docking or mooring fees, should you decide to become a member. To be a member you must be a permanent resident of River Bourgeois.

Facilities:  The Marina offers 600 feet of docking space.

Member RatesNon-Member Rates
Weekly rate per foot $2.00 per ft/week$2.50 per ft/week
Yearly rate per foot $12.00 per ft/year$15.00 per ft/year
Nightly rate per foot $1.00 per ft/night$1.50 per ft/night
***Power fees are to be negotiated on an individual basis

Those individuals using the ramp that have not paid dock fees or a membership, owe a yearly ramp fee of $20..

*Prices subject to change

The marina has a boat launch which is available at your own risk. The docking area is wheelchair accessible and has benches to relax, socialize, and enjoy the view. Ladders are available for those who like to swim or bring a fishing rod and dip a line off the docks (at your own risk).

Come and join us. You’ll be glad you did.

Events: 2024 

15th ANNUAL “Luck of the Draw” Boat Poker Run

Saturday, August 31st

Rain date – September 1st

Registration to begin at 10 am at River Bourgeois Floating Docks

Hamburgers, hotdogs & pop/water available.

All cards must be turned in by 2:30 pm.

$20.00 per hand of poker.

1st Prize $300, 2nd prize $200, 3rd prize $100.

Other prizes to be drawn.

For more information contact:

Peter Baccardax at 535-3182

Stay Safe and Happy Boating,

River Bourgeois Mariner Society Board of Directors