Visitation Parlour


visitation parlour 2017Our Visitation Parlour has two viewing rooms and family room that have been newly decorated, a kitchenette, and wheelchair accessible washroom facilities. The parking lot is large and lighted. Landscaping features were provided by community members who donated bushes and trees in memory of loved ones.

To use the Visitation Parlour, please contact Marie or Conrad Fougere at .
Prices are listed on the Visitation Parlour Rental Policy
The Visitation Parlour is located on the North Side of River Bourgeois at 8133 Highway 4.

The River Bourgeois Visitation Parlour was built in 1990. Prior to  building the Visitation Parlour, wakes were held in the vestry of the church or in private homes. Community pledges, volunteer labor, and fundraising activities helped realize this project, which has greatly benefited the local and surrounding communities.