Annual Meeting 2016 – March 23, 2016
In attendance: Rose Merrick, Donna Babin, Kathy Groves, Sharon Chilvers, Raymond Doary, Mike Fougere, Carolyn Fougere, Connie Stewart, Donnie Pottie, Tanya Burke and Theresa Sampson.
Absent with regrets: Wayne Bona *, Glenn Pottie*,
Call to Order: 6:35 by Rose
Approval of Agenda: Moved by Sharon, with additions and 2nd by Mike, so carried.
Approval of Minutes: AGM March 25, 2015. Kathy moved the approval of the minutes, 2nd by Connie, so carried.
Business arising: No business arising
Chairperson’s (Rose Merrick) Annual report – Highlights:
Chairperson’s Report 2015
2015 has been a momentous year. We saw the start of Chase the Ace and the opening of our weekly Café at the same time. Also we were given a bonus employee at no cost to RBCSS through Employment Canada. A wish list was made as to what we could achieve with this employee over 11 months. Darin LeBlanc worked for the first three months to be followed by Rita Warner. This enabled us to have many repairs done to the canteen, playground, bleachers, painting inside and the deck, cleaning of the storage room and the upstairs, free moving but the biggest asset was the cooking and cleaning for the café as this enabled some of the board members to take some rest. Once again we were able to employ Christine as our summer student. An asset any organization would be proud to have. We also added other activities which kept all the board members on their toes.
Details of each area will be covered by individual chairperson.
In closing I wish to thank everyone in the community who continue to support us through the year and a special thanks to the Board of Directors for their efforts and dedication. Rose Merrick.
Moved by Rose, 2nd by Kathy so carried.
Correspondence: There was no correspondence
Treasurer’s Report: Kathy moved her report, 2nd by Sharon, so carried.
Committee Reports:
Bar: Glenn absent with regrets, no report submitted
Festival, Events and Fundraising for 2015
We had a very heavy schedule during 2015
We had Trivia Nights in February, March and November. All of which we had an average profit of $400. Each plus the bar sales.
Pup nights in April and October. Both events were low in numbers and with the bar sales a few dollars were made, music was great.
Chase the Ace began on April 11th and ended in October with a profit of $9250.22. Restarted two weeks later before going in December with a profit of only $504.00 It was decided not to restart until late March due to possible heavy cost of plowing, sanding and heating.
The Bourgeois Café was opened weekly from April 11th to December 19th. A profit of $8752.51.
Community Markets began June 20th and were held until September 26th with one Christmas one in November. These were held to assist local vendors, however attendance was low, so we do not plan on continuing these in 2016. Vendors will be invited to sell their wares during our Chase the Ace from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm only.
In May our 5th Annual Earth Day was held.
July 1st celebration included our annual brunch, auction, music, and children’s festivities.
August/September we held our Annual Festival. Many new events were tried and several failed. Our profits were $10,000.00 less than the previous year. We had lots of great things happen but unfortunately the failed ones do not pay the bills. We need to get back to the basics.
In October we had our yearly Haunted House. Success as always.
In December we had our 11th Annual Community Christmas celebration and by far the most successful one with over 200 people in attendance. Was a great idea to hold it on Sunday afternoon.
Respectfully submitted by Sharon & Rose.
Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Connie, so carried
Funeral Home:
Funeral Home Committee Annual Report
March 23, 2016
Since the last annual report on the operation of the funeral home, a year ago, the following has occurred:
- The grounds have been maintained on a regular basis.
- The interior of the building continues to be cleaned by Marie & Conrad Fougere.
- The viewing rooms have been renovated. New carpet and curtains were added. The walls were repainted. New ceiling fans were installed and new decorations were added to enhance the décor.
- New furniture was acquired for the sitting room.
Looking to the future:
- The next major expenditure on the funeral home will be the replacement of the wooden windows which were installed over twenty years ago.
- Modification will be made to the landscape. Example: The removal of the dying cedars at the front of the funeral home.
At this time, on behalf of the Funeral Home Committee, I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the operation of the funeral home over the past twelve months.
R Doary
Chair, RBFHC
Moved by Raymond, 2nd by Carolyn so carried
Property Services:
Mike had nothing to report
Tara Lynne Bursary:
Wayne absent with regrets, no report
Nominating Committee / Elected 2016 Board of Directors:
Chair: Rose Merrick – accepted
Vice Chair: none
Secretary: Donna Babin – accepted
Treasurer: Kathryn Groves – accepted
Past Chair: Sharon Chilvers – accepted
Property Services: Michael Fougere – accepted
Bar: Glenn Pottie – accepted via email
Event/Fundraising: Rose Merrick & Sharon Chilvers – accepted
Tara Lynne Bursary: Wayne Bona
Funeral Home: Raymond Doary – accepted
New Business:
Community Facilities Improvement Program Grant.
CFIP will pay up to 75% and the organization must pay 10%.
Quotes on the 7 heat pumps ( upstairs,, 3 downstairs) came in at $42,717. $5700.00 from Gilbert/County infrastructure fund. The average savings is 60% of the heating and cooling costs.
Sharon Chilvers made a motion that RBCSS pay our portion of the CFIP which is approximately $5000.00 out of the $42,717.00. Seconded by Theresa Sampson motion carried.
Signage authority solution
One solution had been discussed to have the Secretary, Donna Babin, given signing authority in order to pay bills on-line. This is to be discussed further to see if it fits with the by-laws.
Canada 150 Grant:
The Canada 150 Grant is for 2 Coolers(pop & food) and redoing the tennis court. The quoted amounts for 2 coolers and the tennis courts is $39,916.70. Canada 150 Grant to pay 50 cents on the dollar.
Bags: we are looking at purchasing 100 cloth bags with a photo of River Bourgeois, 2 colours red/blue. Selling at $5.00 per bag, making a profit of $2.00 each.
Retired Teachers organization:
Want to put envelopes in the funeral home for donations
To be transferred to RBCSS. There is a plan on display in the capsite for the ballfield and completion of the cenotaph..
Next Meeting: April 27, 2016 @ 6:30 pm (4th Wed of the month)
Adjournment: at 7:30 pm by Rose