RBCSS 2017 AGM Minutes

RBCSS 2017 Annual General Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Rose Merrick, Donna Babin, Kathryn Groves, Sharon Chilvers, Wayne Bona, Ricky Stone, Mike Fougere, Carolyn Fougere, Tanya Burke, Connie Stewart

Absent with regrets: Glenn

Absent: Heidi, Donny

Resigned membership: Theresa Sampson

Call to Order: Rose called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

Approval of Agenda: Sharon moved the agenda, 2nd by Carolyn, so moved

Approval of Minutes: AGM March 23/2016: Ricky moved the minutes, 2nd by Mike, so moved

Business arising from AGM March 23/2016:

Canada 150: The grant received for the split cost of the coolers and tennis court.

The cost for the Tennis court repairs and upgrade were much more than originally thought.

We need: $ 47,000.

We have: $ 26,000.      (in total grants)

Remainder needed:     $ 21,000.

An application for funding through the Port Hawkesbury Paper Mill to be submitted.

Also Nova Scotia Power

RBCSS has also received $350. In donations.

Fundraising Initiative:

Sharon proposed that we send out a flyer with a photographic description of our complex and it’s facilities in order to request donations from towards the “Community Complex” project. This includes two phases, 1/the Resurfacing of the tennis courts, revamping the children’s playground to comply with safety standards. 2/the addition of a children’s splash pad.

Donations of $50. Or more will get their name on a plaque. Donations will receive a tax receipt.

The board agreed to go ahead with the flyer.

Stairway to attic: Rick received a quote of $730.00 plus tax. To install a permanent, non-moveable staircase made out of aluminum metal, with handrails to the attic inside the hall.


Ricky Stone motioned that we have the permanent aluminum metal staircase with handrails installed for the access to the Hall attic at the quoted cost of $730.00 plus tax. The board voted and the motion was approved. The motion was seconded by Mike Fougere, the motion was carried.

Fire rating: Mike noted that the “Fire rating” for the hall has not been addressed in years

There are tiles for the ceiling in the attic that have been there for the past 3 or 4 years that have never been install, are we going to use the material in the attic, it was very expensive, or are we going to sell it? More discussion required.

Theresa Sampson has resigned from the board.

Chairpersons (Rose Merrick) Annual Report – highlights:

President’s Report for 2016 Annual Meeting

Thanks to everyone for making 2016 yet another successful year. I will let each chairperson give you the details in their report.

Heat pumps were installed at the Tara Lynne Centre.

As part one of the Canada 150 project, we were able to get two energy efficient food and drink coolers installed (upstairs and downstairs). Part two will be the resurfacing of the Tennis Courts.

Name change for the Funeral Home was required by Service Nova Scotia and is still in process until it can be completed in the spring.

Our big success has been our Chase the Ace and Café that lasted from April 2nd to September. Lots of hard work goes into these projects and thanks to all who help each week.

In closing, I wish another successful year and welcome you all back.


Wayne moved the President’s report, 2nd by Sharon, motion carried.

Correspondence: No correspondence

Treasurer’s Report:  Kathy submitted her report and added that the electric bills were extrodantly high due to the new heat pumps.

We ended the year with a balance of $ 14,224.16.

Kathy moved her report, 2nd by Mike, motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Bar: No report submitted, Glenn was away.


Festival Fundraiser and Events of 2016

Three Trivia Nights, a Pub Night, July 1st Celebrations and the Haunted House. Chase the Ace ran from April to September with a net profit to RBCSS of $8691.56. The Café also opened during the same period as Chase the Ace and netted $9767.01.

The 38th Annual Festival netted a profit of $17,130.07.

Also we had our 12th Annual Community Christmas celebration.

Thanks to all who assisted in any way.

Sharon and Rose.

Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Ricky, motion carried.

Visitation Parlour: No report submitted, Albert is to give reports to Ricky,

Property Services: Report submitted via email by Mike Fougere

In 2016 we  received a few grants  one was to replace 2 of our older food quality coolers, the one upstairs in the bar area and the second in the kitchen. When the coolers arrived I found some helpers to carry the cooler over the counter and outside, and the downstairs cooler went out side .
One coolers was brought to Bernard Sampson for junk, the downstairs cooler was taken by Carl Grimes for the Mariners Society. The second part of the grant The Tennis courts will be addresses 2017.

We moved the cabinet that we thought we could use for display downstairs into the old CAP site room.

Bids for heat pumps were accept by 3 different groups and the winner was Ken’s appliance under the name of General electric. The work was not completed until after the River days and hopes are we will use this new source of cooling and heating  along with our furnace to get the best value for our dollar.

The deck and the area we use for bar-b-q ing was rebuilt and painted, some of the bleachers are getting old and board were replaced and painted.
The brush was cut down to clear an area of 10-20 feet around the tennis court, and the brush is piled on the hilltop behind  the canteen for burning.
The large slide was dismantled and some new swing seats were put up.
Our summer worker outside was great, did all he was told to do and more.
The drain pipe for the weeping tile had popped out of the ground so Bernard Burke was called into ditch it  place.
By November, I asked Rick Stone to replace me as Property services manager , he accepts and took the position solo by the end of Dec 2016.

Tara Lynne Bursary 

Tara Lynne Bursary

Recipients this year were Brenna Martell of St Peters and Michael Stone of River Bourgeois.

We have approx. $4800. Left in the account so we’re still good for 5 years.


Each recipient received $500.

Sharon moved her report, 2nd by Mike. Motion carried.

Youth Development Coordinator: No report submitted for 2016

Nominating Committee / Elected 2017 Board of Directors:

Chair:                          Rose Merrick

Vice Chair:  

Secretary:                   Donna Babin

Treasurer:                   Kathryn Groves

Past Chair:                  Sharon Chilvers

Property Services:     Ricky Stone

Bar Committee:          Glenn Pottie accepted (2/22/2017) carried

Event/Fundraising:    Rose Merrick / Sharon Chilvers

Tara Lynne Bursary:  Wayne Bona 

Visitation Parlour:      (Albert Burke reporting to Ricky stone)

Youth Development Coordinator:    Heidi Leroux


New Business: Board members to complete membership papers for 2017

Next Regular meeting: April 26, 2017 @ 6:30 pm (4th Wed of the month)

Adjournment: President Rose Merrick adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm

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